Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I receive your Comments with great appreciation for most of them. Reluctantly, I do understand the reasons most (close to all) of you wrap your Comments in a cloak of Anonymity.

Here are a few examples of your insights:
To my Post on Some Things Never Change -- a reflection on the futility of the JFNA "programs' in the Negev:
An empire cannot thrive without funds and since JFNA doesn't do campaigns any more, the only way for the power hungry to continue to grow their empire is evidently to take donor funds that were raised for emergency relief and "reallocate" them for dedicated staff and programming that they can control.
Since our JFNA Global Operations "Agency" doesn't have the experience or the expertise that JDC/JAFI/ORT do, the "reallocated" funds are used to add more staff to the "team" and to throw money at local politicians so that they will always have great things to say about our wonderful Israel Office and it's wonderful leader. 
As usual at JFNA, lay committees are charged with the approval of use of these funds and blindly follow staff reccomendations, even though the staff in question are guided by an ideology of "make us look good" rather than "meet the needs" or even really attempting to fulfill the purpose on the basis of which the funds were raised in the first place.
Eric and Mark Wilf will certainly discover this abuse (along with many others) if they just bother to really have a look at what has been going on for the past decade at the "JFNA Agency for Israel." It is about time that someone bothered to have a look.  
Will they?"
To the Post Worse and Worse a request for rethinking: 
Have you given any thopught to the proposition that JAFI no longer merits even the projected $74 million allocated to it in 2019? What Jewish Agency programs (beyond the basic blocking and tackling of drastically diminished Aliya and Klitah) are worthy of even the funding that JAFI will receive from the Federations at the end of this year -- "Jewish unity?" "The only venue where the great issues confronting the Jewish People are debated?" "Fighting global anti-semitism?" I would respectfully suggest that the Agency deserves less, not more. Then, again, that's true of JFNA as well. 


  1. The Jewish Agency for Israel is imprisoned in a governance trap of its own making, brefet of the ability to make meaningful strategic decisions amongst competing owners. JAFI is blessed with a uniquely talented Director General, but cursed with a Secretary General whose compass points only to self promotion, daily photo ops and a path to the Presidency. Hence the choice of Antisemitism as the new organizational focus. Tragically there are always new headlines to chase. JAFI can no longer make a credible case for massive unrestricted Federation funds in an environment requiring measurable impact in a free marketplace. JAFI's only unique and value-added options are fee for service -- P2P and Shlichut. Project TEN - puh-lease - there are several better and more successful avenues for meaningful interaction. Youth Futures? Like JDC's PACT, a solid program whose time for reliance on Diasporas funding is way past the expiration date. But wait, isn't JAFI the only global table for Israeli-Diaspora conversation? The three legs -- WZO, Keren HaYesod and JFNA - are unstable, wobbly and beyond repair. It is true that the JAFI Board of Governors is a comfortable playground for well-meaning leaders. Kinda like JFNA. But playtime is over.It's time to throw this dotard baby out with the tepid bathwater.

  2. Richard,
    Both interesting observations from people who read your posts.
    However, I think the one concerning JFNA Israel falls into the area of concerns or areas of interest that I believe you should bring to Eric's and Mark's attention, instead of letting them take the valuable time to discover themselves.
    A letter from you outlining a few areas of concern such as this one, would certainly elicit a reply.
    The JAFI issue falls into a different bucket that would take their eye off the ball.
    Thank you in advance.

  3. Further to Anon 7:34's comment:
    The question is how to get Eric and Mark W's attention and then if they will actually do something about it once they realize what a fiasco it is.
    A lot of money could be saved and a lot of ongoing damage reduced if they decide to finally close it down.

  4. Go to a Vikings home game?
    Not too far away from Chicago.

  5. Today’s JDC story...there’s even more to it...all the Jewish Agency stuff...you’re right our Federation’s should throw even more $ at them...years of passive investing I mean core funding was certainly the way to go...
