Friday, November 15, 2019


Caroline Glick, right-wing Israeli columnist and, recently, defeated candidate for the Knesset, returned to her role as pundit after that dip in the waters of Israeli politics. Her op-eds are totally supportive of Donald Trump and constantly mine the depths of her hatred for  anything to her left and, in particular, American Jews who fail to share her views.

Most recently Glick published Trump, Israel and the Democratic Crackup in JNS:  https// I recommend reading that screed only because it exemplifies Ms. Glick's habit of building her arguments on false pretenses. 

Any analysis of this screed must start, as Ms. Glick did, with her false premise -- that way back in 2000 "...the Democrats refused to accept the election results in Florida that gave George W, Bush his victory..." Without a scintilla of evidence, without a single fact, the author concludes that that 2000 election marked the beginning of what she describes as the "radicalization" of the Democratic Party.

Building on this misstatement, Glick jumps directly to 2016 concluding that as the Democrats refused to accept the 2000 election results, so they have attempted to overturn the results of Trump's election and, as in the current GOP "talking points," the purpose of  today's impeachment inquiry " to nullify Trump's presidency by, among other things, deligitimizing and dehumanizing Trump, his family, associates and supporters." Not a fact is placed in evidence.

These misstatements continue for pages. Read them for yourself. Perhaps Ms. Glick was using this column is more than a fact-free version of purported "truth;" maybe it was intended as a job application for Fox News. Maybe an Israeli version of Jeanine Pirro or Katrina Pierson. 

Wishing her every success.



  1. We live in an age of barricades and litmus tests - where too many rightists defend the cacophony of filth coming from their side and so many on the left feel compelled to ignore if not defend nonsense and invectives from our side. Seeking truth honestly, decency, civility and respect for facts should be that which unites us and not a political football.

  2. Problem is, is that Caroline is more right than she is wrong. AND, she has credibility since she, unlike you, gave up her comfortable and secure life in the Diaspora and made Aliyah.

  3. Richard, I'm surprised at how you opened this rant. You know full well that people do not 'run' - they run on a party list, not as individuals. Caroline's party did not get enough points for her to become a MK. You might want to clarify.

  4. Dear Paul, I am surprised how you attempted to close this rant. You know full well that Caroline chose to not run in a party with open primaries. But her colleagues placed her as 6th on the list. If Israelis respected her she would have been able to demand a higher position on the party list and make it into the Knesset, but alas she remains a journalist in the style of Chicken Little. Always peddling Chicken Little Syndrome. ... being unreasonably afraid, trying to incite an unreasonable fear in those around them.

    Bah, humbug

    Read her. The Iran Disaster. First we had an agreement, now we got rid of the agreement.

    Paul, are you feeling safer now? Is Israel feeling safer?

  5. Dear Anonymous November 15, 2019 at 4:26 PM

    Are you living in Fox News?

    Richard Wexler criticized a blog post by Caroline Glick. You obviously never read her blog post.

    Instead you criticize Wexler as having less credibility than Glick, because she made Aliyah?

    You remind me of a slinky going down a stairs. Interesting but utterly useless.

    Please, stand in front of mirror and explain to yourself how Glicks Aliyah gives her more credibility to attack the Democratic Party in the United States.

    Whe you are done, please ask Richard to delete your inane and embarrassing post.

  6. Friends, if you have something new to add, I will gladly print it; otherwise not.
