Saturday, July 28, 2018


The immediate past Chair of the Jewish Agency Executive, Natan Sharansky, and the journalist, Gil Troy, have penned a provocative analysis of the relationship, or lack thereof, between Diaspora Jewry and our extended mishpacha in Israel in Mosaic Magazine. I highly recommend it to each of you. Even the title reflects the authors' environmental scan of the current condition: Can American and Israel Jews Stay Together as One People? 

These are two very perceptive people; Natan shall forever be my/our hero of Modern Jewish History. They both know far more than I, but, really?

One of my friends sent the article to me with the question: "What do you think?" I offer the same question to all of you. 

But, responding to my chaver...

"Thanks for sharing this article with me. I thought it well-written, if terribly slanted as I discuss below.

The article contained “red herrings” almost too numerous to count: for example, referencing a single Boston Jew’s overstatement, as representing American Jewish opinion creates a false narrative so as to set up the authors’ thesis. There is too much of that in the article. Further, there is no acknowledgement by the authors that a major, contributing factor in the current “distancing” are the policies of the Netanyahu Government. (Remarkable to me was the authors’ rationalization [justification??] of Netanyahu’s breach of the Kotel Agreement.)

I consider the proposed Jewish Peoples Council to be a preposterous suggestion, especially when the co-author just moments ago stepped down from his 9 year Chairmanship of the Jewish Agency — the organization that characterized itself during Sharansky’s terms (and, historically) as “the Parliament of the Jewish People.” I can’t conceive of Diaspora financial support for this Council let alone Knesset members agreement to some sort of co-equal debating society."
What's going on here?

Rhetorical question.



  1. Does anyone believe we need another structure? Why didn't Sharansky assure during his termS that JAFI fulfilled its advocacy role for the Jewish People; rather than maintain it as qa self-perpetuating oligarchy where laypersons never leave?

  2. This proposal is the height of stupidity -- so it will probably be embraced by those very communities which have reduced their grants to the Jewish Agency a/k/a The Parliament of the Jewish People to a fraction of what they once were.
