Wednesday, July 25, 2018


This may come as a surprise to you -- the Zionist Organization of America a/k/a Morton Klein has a foreign policy, at least according to Tablet.  

Yes, as the article -- Mort Klein's Fish Tale -- discloses, the ZOA's harsh criticism of the Qatari government appeared to have eased considerably after two $50,000 donations form one who later registered as a Qatari lobbyist in the United States and a visit to Doha (paid for by...whom exactly?) Then, The Jewish Week reported: "ZOA’s president, Morton Klein, appeared to have dramatically changed his views on Qatar, the oil-rich emirate that has been a major supporter of the terror group, Hamas, and is home to several of the group’s leaders." 

And, who paid for Klein's visit to Doha in pursuit of ZOA's foreign policy? 

Will this end well for Qatar, Israel, the ZOA, Mort Klein? Is this a cynical sell-out? Well, Klein told The Jewish Week that the organization has refunded the two $50,000 donations to their source. 


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