Monday, July 18, 2016


There are those who have written about organizations having a "sense of entitlement" that the organizations are alleged to believe exempts them from accountability and transparency, among other things. Among those accused is the Jewish Agency. Those of you who are regular readers (as I hope includes most of you) know that I have not been sparing in my criticism of JAFI hen I feel it deserved but I also appreciate the roles the Jewish Agency plays in implementing the goals not just of the federation system but of World Jewry.

So I admit to being bemused and confused at the proliferation of those who would posture themselves as "alternatives" to the Jewish Agency -- the "competition" if you will. Let's visit with them:

  • The Government of Israel, Ministry of the Diaspora -- and no better place to start than with this piece Yes, Naftali Bennett, a Minister of the Government of Israel, positions the GOI as not just an entity whose work would parallel that of JAFI, but as an entity performing identical functions. And, of course, the GOI, doing nothing but issuing well done on-line videos, has also engaged in sewing just this type of confusion for almost one year since torpedoing the JAFI plan for a JAFI-GOI-World Jewry Initiative.
  • The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews a/k/a Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein --whether out of jealousy, rage or ego, Eckstein has made clear that, not having received what he perceived as the kavod and recognition due him for the Christian allocations made to JAFI, he will engage in "competition" with the Agency (or by another description, a policy of "scorched earth") by redundant efforts in aliyah, serving impoverished Israeli Jews and other areas. In a recent article extolling the Fellowship's work, Eckstein is quoted: "“We just want to get the job done,” he said. “Our purpose is to increase aliyah."read more: (It has been rumored that when one of his senior professionals charged with Eckstein's aliyah suggested working in cooperation with the Agency that responsible professional was fired.)
  • The World Zionist Organization -- today, this once minor organization claims to be "Connecting Israel and the Jewish People." It is an entity, like Eckstein's, so totally opaque as to be impenetrable. The WZO has an Executive, an "Expanded Executive," a "Council" -- it even has a "Supreme Court." It's actions play right into the hands of those who opine that the concept of "Zionism" is "too controversial."
If these be "competitors," the Jewish Agency has lucked out -- for each of these "competitive" efforts is badly flawed -- politicized, or non-Jewish or unrepresentative. None brings together the totality of world Jewish leadership as does JAFI; none have programs with the reach of those of the Jewish Agency. But the Agency's "luck," if that's what it is, if JAFI fails the tests of inclusiveness and transparency -- concepts with which it appears to be continually unfamiliar.

One similarity among all -- JA, the GOI, IFCJ and WZO -- is the sense and the reality of being an insiders'/inside game. JAFI would appear to have the easiest time opening up to a true lay-professional partnership; yet, from efforts by many to cause JAFI to do so, it is evident that JAFI "ain't ready for reform." As one correspondent to this Blog has observed, it and its most fervent supporters operate out of a sense of "entitlement" -- mostly to ther financial support it demands but is no longer receiving.

My continuing sense is that a transparent and responsive JAFI will gain ever greater support. Maybe someday that organization's leaders, like those of JFNA, will awaken.



  1. How can you even put JAFI and JFNA in the same sentence when talking about transparency and responsiveness?
    JAFI does a relatively good job although it could always improve but JNFA couldn't possibly do worse!
    JAFI has a relatively robust system of active lay leadership and involvement while JFNA does eveything it can to discourage meamningful lay leadership and involvement.
    There is no competition to JFNA where lack of transparency, unresponsiveness and lack of meaningful lay involvement and oversight are concerned.

  2. In terms of 'competition' for support of Israel, none of those can be compared to the 'new' JNF, whose tag is 'Your Voice in Israel.' And, in fact the JNF has become the 'support Israel' organization for many. It is focused, it has done a great job telling it's story, it's leadership and professional staff have done it right.

    Back in the day, the Fed world sent the majority (I think as much as 65+%) of the funds raised to the UJA z'l for distribution mostly through the JAFI or JDC. The % now is, from what I hear, less than half that amount.

    That's the competition.

  3. Sure, except that JNF in Israel is riddled with scandals and political behavior which will probably lead to many of its leaders ending up in jail.

  4. Anonymous 10:41 - you need to get your facts right. KKL (Israel) is a completely different organization than JNF (USA). Different boards, staff, funding priorities, projects, etc. If you really want to know the facts let me know (Richard knows how to contact me).

  5. Paul is clearly biased. JNF is far from transparent. And 8:24 has clearly never been to a JAFI BOG or read its annual budget.
    Attack JFNA all you want but don't elevate the challenges of other organizations to do it!

  6. Paul Jeser is deluded. Who even knows what JNF's mission is anymore? They just follow the money.

  7. It is so amazing to me how people make statements without knowing the facts.

    I doubt if wither anon 101 or 242 went to the JNF website - in which they can find a very clear statement of mission and both the annual reports and 990s (JNF is gets 4 Stars from Charity Navigator).

  8. JNF also used to be a broad-based organization that just about everyone could support. It has become far more partisan and controversial in the past decade or so.

  9. Anon 814: like some of the others you write w/o knowing the facts. JNF (America) is much more broad-based now than ever and doesn't have a partisan bone in it. It receives support from all segments of the Jewish community. When you attend the annual bkfst in LA (which attracts over 1,000 people at 7:30am) you see support from Temples/Synagogues from all branches; you see Jews who are Democrats and Republicans; you see young and the not so young; you see wealthy and grass roots. If you think you have other facts please share them with us. If not, you do all a disservice my making such statements.

  10. Paul is so right. Right there on the JNF "about" page you can see clear statements about their decision-making, fundraising, the multi-million dollar mission creep into hasbara. Oh. Wait. No you can't.

  11. Anybody that knows anything about what is going on in Israel should know that JNF is not the way to go. All indications are that the status of that once great fundraising and land development organization and its leadership will in the end be determined in the courts.

  12. OK, friends, this JNF Commentary has gone far enough. I will not publish any further points/counterpoints on the Jewish National Fund America or JNF Israel, all the "points" having been made, or, at least, articulated.
