Thursday, July 21, 2016


Unlike most of his senior staff, who seem to operate in a silo of his/her own, Jerry Silverman, purportedly JFNA's CEO, seems to spend a significant amount of time delivering sermons. I guess he calls that "work." Thus, the day after close to 100 people of every race and religion were slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist on the Nice beachfront, Jerry managed a sentence in passing on that horror while waxing non-poetically about race in America. The only parts of the message that had any resonance were lengthy parts of the work of two real Rabbis. The gist of Jerry's message?
"We cannot shy away from the immensity of the challenge before us or the depth of the pain we may feel. And as we grapple with the enormity of it all, let us not lose sight that members of our Jewish community also are touched personally by the issues at play, among them those who work in law enforcement, including police officers, and the growing numbers of Jews who are people of color."
Like most of us I have a spectacular Rabbi who inspires his congregants week in and week out. I don't need Mr. Dockers pontificating on matters best left to the Rabbinate, to ADL or the Committee. If, however, Jerry wants to preach to us on issues that pass through his mind from time-to-time, I'm all for him pursuing smicha, getting a pulpit from a congregation that, unlike those who hired Jerry, will actually examine the totality of Jerry's background and experience including these years at the helm of JFNA and going back to college, post-graduate and federation experience.

One might ask Richard Sandler: are things going that well at JFNA as to allow Silverman the distraction (I know Richard is concerned with "distractions") of a sermon or two every few weeks? Yes, I know, the operation is being "run" (if that's the word for it!!) by Mark Gurvis (and, Mark, if you're running JFNA-Israel, you're doing a helluva job), relieving Jerry of the "burden" of internal management (raising the question, once again, of what are we paying Jerry to do, exactly, for his $800,000 [+/-]?) We sure aren't paying him for what has become a fortnightly bloviation like this one, are we? (Yes, another reason the Smilin' One has that big grin on his punim.)

No one would object if Silverman, like his predecessor, would restrict himself to writing about the challenges facing the federation system but he seems not to comprehend those at all. Fundraising challenges, the precipitous drop in the system's donors on his watch, federation-agency relations, the collapse of the Federation-National Agency Alliance, the further collapse of the Global Planning Table, the further collapse of the Global Jewry Initiative, BDS and what JFNA is not doing about it, JFNA's failed internal fund-raising, the deterioration of JFNA relations with JAFI/JDC (while pretending that things are "so much better") -- any/all of these matters are relevant to JFNA's constituency -- but, what does Jerry write about -- "race...identity...equality...respect...and (something Jerry calls) 'assumptions.'" These are matters with which we are all concerned, of course, but none are matters of which Silverman possesses any greater knowledge or understanding than any of us and in Jerry's case, evidently, less.

Any time that this CEO wants to take his Board into a discussion on topics relevant to the federations, that would be a first. He can't. And it is equally clear that the highest levels of lay leadership are unwilling to "counsel" Jerry either.

Friends, with Smilin' Jerry the phrase "just doesn't get it" has taken on new meaning.



  1. One wonders if Silverman, or even Sandler, comprehends what Eckstein's latest encroachment potentially means to both JFNA and individual federations.

  2. Since Jerry shut down the work the JFNA Rabbinic Cabinet I guess he feels the need to assume the role of JFNA chief rabbi and sermonizer. This is not going to work with the American rabbinate nor will it lead to more engagement for JFNA within the ranks of synagogue members.

  3. I'll bet the average congregational rabbi personally secures more gifts in a given year.

  4. The JFNA Rabbinic Cabinet produced a great compendium of sermonic material twice a year. It was called The Orchard. In addition, it sent out a weekly sermon called
    Mekor Chaim. These publications are no longer written by JFNA Rabbinic Cabinet pulpit rabbis and no longer sent out. Maybe Jerry is now working on his own set of sermons for the High Holy Days and for each upcoming Shabbat.

  5. If 9;04 is right, that would make Jerry the highest paid rabbi in America!

  6. I only met Jerry once. While at UJC and he at the NFJC I bought Jerry coffee at a 9th ave. Starbucks and we discussed our mutual love of, committments to and experiences with Jewish camping. I learned some things, I hope he took benefit from the conversation and we wished each other well. More recently we had a single email/mail exchange on a personal matter. So this posting is not really about Jerry. It's about all of us.
    In my three decades plus in and around Federations I made it my business to connect with two key constituencies: rabbis and members of foundation families. Interestingly, their number one observation was often the same: "when I meet with Federation folk, lay and pro, the shmooz lacks seriousness, big picture Jewish ideas and with exceptions I seldom see any gravitas in the conversation".
    So if Jerry is somehow committed to correcting that exposure point and inserting some big picture thinking and values into our work, kol hakavod. It can only enhance the core processes related to Resource development, institutional partnerships and global community building. It has the potential to open doors in many places and on many levels and add stature to the Federation enterprise.

  7. Perhaps Bob Hyfler used his Comment as a job application in the Jerry Silverman administration but it's a certainty that he didn't read the flatulence that was Jerry's "sermon." For if he in fact read it he could never had concluded that it contained any "big picture thinking and values."

  8. lots of talk and PR, no vision, no mission, no leadership, no management, no direction, no planning, no evaluation, no oversight, no accountability - keep on talking and maybe nobody will notice.

  9. @REAL ANON10:32. I was young and now I am old but seldom have I been accused of doing something so intelligient in pursuit of my self interest. Political cluelessness is more my style and failing. In addition, even those of my friends (and detractors) who might read it as you do will say, "too little too late bob". Nevertheless, as Mr. Mister Trump said yesterday, all publicity is good. Thanks for making my day.

  10. So the Chairman thinks that the professionals should be left alone. The top professional has left management to his number two but doesn't think that he should be left alone or that he should really be managing beyond keeping things quiet and smooth. All the other top professionals are free to do whatever they like - especially those that are lucky enough to be out of range (like "overseas" for example).
    With no leadership and no management is it any wonder that we are going nowhere and that there is lots of time for self-marketing and empty irrelevant speechmaking?

  11. Bob Hyfler wrote: In my three decades plus in and around Federations I made it my business to connect with two key constituencies: rabbis and members of foundation families

    Jerry has done the exact opposite with putting the once robust JFNA Rabbinic Cabinet to sleep.So now AIPAC, JStreet, Israel Bonds, JNF and all other national Jewish organizations are making it their business to connect with rabbis and synagogues and they are succeeding. How sad for JFNA.

  12. Rabbi Jerry, Cantor Mark and company are our new spiritual leaders, except that they are leading us around in circles.
    This is probably a safe way to go because if you have no stated goals you cannot fail to meet them.
    The rabbinical leadership image is a great scam - makes us look and feel so Jewish!
    I guess all that we can do now is keep praying for a miracle - that maybe those that are supposed to be in charge will finally realize what is going on and put a stop to this nonsense - start asking some serious questions and stop saying "aye" all the time. Yes, let us pray.

  13. The board is supposed to be in charge. But the chair has made it abundantly clear he lets the professionals run (or in this case, not run) the show. If Sandler doesn't understand what HIS job is, he should follow the smiling one out the door.

  14. Yes, let's be clear, RICHARD SANDLER HAS, on more than one occasion, PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED WITH PRIDE THAT HE HAS DELEGATED AWAY HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AS BOARD CHAIR TO THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR LEADING JFNA TO IRRELEVANCE AND MEDIOCRITY. What other non-profit chief volunteer officer has ever done such a thing (and then bragged about it)? Not only is this the height of irresponsibility, it is n act of disqualification.

    And, of course, as Richard knows better than anyone, Sandler is oblivious, happy with his choice.
