Wednesday, September 16, 2009


There appear to be a small number of correspondents who believe that without their urging I will fail to do Teshuvah in the coming days. They also believe that I have more reasons to do Teshuvah over these Chagim than ever before. And, of course, they are right -- but for entirely the wrong reasons.

First, understand that I as all of us believe and understand that this is the time of year for introspection and for apologies to all those to whom we have done injury of any kind over the prior year. I engage in that introspection often, just more intensively now during the Yomim Nora'im. But I will repent not only for myself but for those in our system who have ignored the failures of transparency and accountability and thereby ignored their fiduciary responsibilities for, in so doing, they have brought the organization to which they and I are equally dedicated close to a death spiral. And, I apologize to all those I have hurt or offended in any way.

I repent the times this year when my language has been intemperate, when my errors have hurt leaders, al chait. My need for Teshuvah is strong; I have the sense that those who have urged that I repent have given scant thought to their own need for the same. I hope I am as wrong about them as they are about me.

Wishing each of you and your families l'Shana Tovah U'Metukah.


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