Friday, September 18, 2009


An e-mail crossed my desk on Tuesday. The tag line was a true revelation: Jews Worldwide Prepare for the New Year. My thanks to The Israel Project for alerting all of us to the upcoming Chagim. But, to assure whoever wrote that insightful piece, we knew.

If your home is like mine, for the past week and more the smells of briskets roasting and potato kugels baking, were mixed with the end of Summer smells of grilled chicken. And those wonderful mouth-watering smells were the vivid reminder of my youth, our youth, in our family apartment, of these Holidays we treasured then and now, that another Jewish Year was passing and a New Year was about to begin. Soon we will gather together as a People in our synagogues and temples around the world seeking inscription in the Book of Life for another year. Yes, like you, I will do Teshuvah and seek forgiveness.

After shul family and friends will join us in celebration of the New Year. We will wish each other a shana tova tikateivu and prepare for these Yamim Noraim. My hope for all of you who read this Blog is that you will have a sweet Year of good health, prosperity and may we celebrate a Year in which our People will find Peace.

And, now I smell a huge turkey roasting and the stuffing being prepared. Gotta go.

From my home to yours, Shana tova u'metuka to each and every one of you and your families.


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