Wednesday, July 1, 2009


In a couple of hours, UJC's Board will convene to "authorize" the negotiation of a contract with a new CEO. Only at the UJC of today does such an "authorization" come after the contract is already in negotiation.

Those of you who have offered Comments this past week to a number of Posts have offered some incredible insights albeit anonymously. The following Comment was to another Commentator who had mistakenly stated that Chicago's CEO, among others, had not taken a voluntary salary reduction. The conclusions are so right, reprinting it in this Post seemed logical:

"The FORWARD article from earlier in June says that Nasatir (Chicago) cut his salary by 10%. And don't forget the senior staffs of many Federations that have also cut their salaries, and frozen those at lower levels.

All of this is totally absent at UJC, even though their supposed "owners" are facing tough times. It's totally outrageous on so many levels...and a horrible reflection upon the Federation system and the wider Jewish community." (emphasis added)

Forget that the writer to whom this Comment was addressed had premised his/her response to a Post misstating the facts in a futile attempt to rationalize both Rieger's refusal to take a cut in compensation and to justify the compensation package apparently being offered -- after "authorization" of course -- the new CEO to drag him away from the Foundation for Jewish Camp, an organization 1/10th the size of UJC.

A horrible reflection upon the Federation system and the wider Jewish community sums it up for me in a single sentence. Shame on them...shame on us.


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