Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Before today's Quiz, a note...some of you who write this Blog fail to understand the following -- this is my Blog. It isn't yours. So, if you write to merely attack me and you do so anonymously, don't expect to see your Comment published -- unless, of course, you demonstrate a little humor and maybe, just maybe, a little substance or, you can sign your name. (Two weeks ago some cretin sent an "Anonymous" attack, then, when his "Comment" was rejected, sent another "Comment" attacking me for rejecting his first "Comment.") I repeat -- this is my Blog.

One of the more constant of attempted Commentators to this Blog, who typically writes in an obscure language called "screed," has a rather constant refrain stating that I have used the Posts to attack the leaders of UJC whom I hold responsible for UJC's failings personally. So, I need your help (although I am certain that this particular "Anonymous" needs the kind of help only the psychiatrists among us can provide). A quiz:

Is the statement: "The current leaders of UJC have created a disaster of UJC from which the organization may never recover?"

1. A personal attack?
2. A statement of fact?
3. A falsehood?
4. An understatement?

Answer: Some of the above, many of the above, all of the above, other?

Is the statement: "The current leaders of UJC have failed to engage with the federation owners in a meaningful way?"

1. A personal attack?
2. A statement of fact?
3. A falsehood?
4. An understatement?

Answer: Some of the above, many of the above, all of the above, other?

Is the statement: "The current leaders of UJC have conducted three strategic plans in four years and followed none of them."

1. A personal attack?
2. A statement of fact?
3. A falsehood?
4. An understatement?

Answer: Some of the above, who cares, other?

Is the statement: "The current CEO has refused to take a reduction in compensation during this economic crisis even though it might have saved jobs at UJC."

1. A personal attack.
2. A statement of fact.
3. A falsehood?
4. An understatement?

Answer: What do you think?

This quiz is important inasmuch as one current and future UJC Officer ("a heartbeat away") was running around the Jerusalem Inbal Hotel continuing to kvetch about this Blog -- while never expressing his "thoughts" directly to me, preferring operating in the darkness rather than the light.

And, a message to the UJC's leaders: I can readily understand your dismissing these Posts for whatever the reason. But I would hope that you are reading the Comments from federation leaders around the country. And, though I can't publish them, I wish they could read the private and confidential correspondence I have received from so many of the readers expressing their pain with the way in which UJC has been mismanaged, its lack of direction, the waste.


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