Friday, July 16, 2021


I am certain that some....most...of us remember that frigid day in  December 1987 when, in brilliant sunlight an estmated 250,000 of us came to the Capitol Mall, marched, sang, cried and rallied together for freedom for our mishpacha imprisoned by an Iron Curtain. What an event it was. It was unforgettable. We kvelled. It was a high point for our system; all of our communal institutions -- local, national, overseas -- coming together as one...inspired and inspiring. And building from there our Movement supported the Aliyah of over 1,000,000 and another 150,000 to the United States.

I am equally certain that few would choose to remember the total breakdown of our sclerotic system was reflected in 3,200 -- 3,200 is not a typo friends -- participants in that national "rally" against anti-semitism in D.C. last Sunday. This was abject failure. This was the NO FEAR Rally BTW; and "no fear" apparently applies to failure among other things. The sponsoring organizations included JFNA, ADL, B'nai B'rith International, American Jewish Committee, the ZOA and the Jewish Agency and the major religious Movements.  Individuals leading this effort included Elisha Wiesel and Meghan McCain. This roster and the Rally's further support for Israel apparently inflamed the folks at J-Street and left wing organizations which declined support. 

Look, this thing was poorly planned and executed...even worse. 3,200 Jews, friends, to protest the horrific outbreak of this apparently eternal disease. The commentator, Vincent Tobin, framed the question: after looking at the results Are Jews Rally United Against Anti-Semitism? Tobin's conclusion: don't be discouraged by the abysmal turnout. Sorry, does any reader believe that had this Rally been organized by communal professionals, those very numbers would have been exceeded by 1000's? In 1986, I watched as Federation leadership built an incredible achievement over 2 months; here, in 2021, I watched only failure-- well-intentioned failure.

We have reached the point where we are no longer even embarrassed by our failures; we are now without shame. A Terrorists' War on Israel, our "system" sends (did JFNA even send it??) $1,300,000 as a "rapid response" to hundreds of millions in needs across Israel. National agencies -- those which execute federations' programs -- are now living on fumes or worse. The JAFI and JDC have less support today for their core programs than at any time in their history. But...a Rally at our Capitol, no leadership, no planning ("just put it on the Calendar and surely 50,000 will show")...3,200. JFNA, as you may have read, is practically out of the FRD business (I wish I could forget that Mark Wilf's predecessor as Board Chair preached a message with almost evangelical fervor, that JFNA is not in the fund raising "business" but is something he called a "community organization" -- you know, convening, talking, talking and...talking.)

Meanwhile, those on the right ascribe failure to attack anti-semitisism to those on the "left." This means they are too busy themselves to support a "Rally." Priorities, anyone? Anyone?

If our organizations don't get back to basics with new-found enthusiasm they will be done; spending their time bragging about non-existent accomplishments and, like me, writing about the "good old days."



paul jeser said...

I DO remember that frigid day and was proud to march. What happened last week was a shanda, but not a surprising one....



Read Richard's piece...   and weep!

paul jeser said...

And weep even more....

Anonymous said...

Rally date was December 6, 1987 (not 1986)

Anonymous said...

In 2002, on the hotest April 15, recorded in recent memory, 100,000 gathered on the mall in support of Israel. The message delivered was heartfelt, clear and non-apologetic. Turnout was delivered in little over a week by the Conference of Presidents, Federations and CRC's along the Amtrack corridor, and the dependable efforts of Washington Jewry to bring out its citizenry. Organization. Clarity of purpose.Collaboration. Few egos.
As Richard seems to suggest, it is not Jews who have changed in 2021 but the diminished capacities of the organized establishment.

Anonymous said...

You appear to have forgottent that Richard Sandler, who is firm in his conviiction that federations have no mandate to fund-raiseand should not be doing any is now the Jewish Agency's fund-raising Chair. Thus, our system has gone from individual lunacy to the institutional.