Charity Navigator, a non-profit organization, evaluates charitable organizations based upon the same set of criteria applicable to all on the basis of a star system -- four to the best, on down to the worst among us. Last month, astounded as I was with the compensation being paid to those at the highest levels at JFNA, I published those of Jerry Silverman, Paul Kane and, the consultant, non-employee member of the JFNA Senior Management Team, Deborah K. Smith. This led a Friend of the Blog to suggest that I look at JFNA's Charitable Navigator Rating, which I did.
I also looked at some federations -- Houston and Miami at 4 stars, New York UJA and my own at 3. Then there was JFNA -- 2 stars...yes, TWO. I also looked at the Jewish National Fund at 4 stars. Then I looked at JFNA's score (out of a possible 70) on Financials, something of which I and others have been historically proud -- a "robust" 48.14 (out of that 70); the same as JFNA's Overall Score; the same as some charitable organizations that appear in Navigator's list of the bottom 10. In a time that demands that we have a national organization that reflects excellence, we have one deemed worthy of two stars out of four -- a mediocrity to which we throw $30 million (+) a year and which the organization claims isn't nearly enough.
So, an independent evaluation organization has done what neither the JFNA Officers nor the JFNA Board nor the federations themselves have done -- scored JFNA at a "2" out of "4", a failing grade. Yet, that organization's highest compensated pros continue to be compensated as if JFNA were a success, when, for the past close to 7 years, JFNA has been on an epic downhill slide. In fact, a recent Charity Navigator summary of the highest compensated execs of the least successful non-profits evidenced that Silverman's compensation exceeds all of them -- by close to 50%!!
So I am asking JFNA Board Chair Michael Siegal, how long will this be allowed to continue? JFNA is a business, albeit a non-profit. That reality doesn't excuse JFNA's most senior professionals from being measured by the same criteria that might apply to senior managers at, let's say, Olympic Steel, Michael Siegal's company, does it?
See the wheel below developed by Olympic Steel:
Hmmm. Substitute "JFNA" for "OLYMPIC STEEL" on the wheel to the left and then evaluate the organization's deterioration over the last seven years.
Let me know what you come up with.
What do you come up with? Easy, FAILURE! And as CEO, Silverman needs to be held responsible.
Question is does Michael Siegal have the you know what to do anything about it.
I would guess that things will just continue down the path toward JFNA's decomposition. Mikey Siegal will take his marching orders from Steve Hoffman, one of the "don't make no waves as long as I am getting my way" crowd.
I ranked each item on a 1-4 basis with 4 being excellent, 3 acceptable, 2 lacking and 1 failing. My annotated scores are below:
Quality 2: Washington operation saves the day- zero ROI on other membership perks
Employee Development 1: Working for JFNA not a good career move; excellent oportunities for consultants and outside contractors
Customer Satisfaction 2: Pretty good if your initials are KM
Safety 4: Israeli security staff and Scan top notch
Accountabilty 1: Too big a word
Integrity 3: "When we say we don't care we mean it"
Communal Citizenship 1: ask JAFI. JDC and JESNA - nuff said
Financial stability: Insufficient reliable data
Respect 2: See customer satisfaction
Teamwork 1: right, LoL
Thanks for the laughs - you aare a generous grader.
Just read that Jerry hired a Fed Exec as EVP - one who moved to Vancouver from....guess where....CLEVELAND. So it looks like Steve Hoffman will expand his role as puppeteer
The new EVP is a smart guy, a mensch and a great pro... now all they need is a new CEO.
Charity Navigator's metrics are not without fault and criticism. Many articles in the venerable Chronicle of Philanthropy take exception with its 4-star rating system noting that it does not necessarily reflect the prowess or inefficiencies of an organization. Some organizations, articles claim, have begun to manipulate their finances and/or their reporting of finances, to score better on Charity Navigator.
UJThee and Me fails to note that many Jewish organizations have a 2-star rating, not just JFNA.
A selected few..
Jewish Federations: Minneapolis, Denver, Seattle, Greenwich, Detroit, Monmouth County, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Westport, Los Angeles, Savannah, Stamford, Pinellas County, Oakland/East Bay
National Jewish Organizations: JCCA, American Jewish Committee, National Conference for Soviet Jewry, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, CLAL, Simon Wiesenthal
In addition several fine Jewish days schools make the 2-star list as well.
....all those 2 Stars. Does that make JFNA's 2 Star acceptable?
I have has to delete your Comment inasmuch as: (1) your spelling, sentence structure and attacks would make your alleged professional colleagues cringe; (2) I do know what is happening in the cities you mention, neither of which are relevant to the on-going discussion; and (3) is there something that my federation has done or not done that concerns you?
Sorry ... And try again.
Don't we get the leaders we deserve -- in particular the pros? I can't think of a greater mediocrity that is JFA today..and we just keep the money flowing. You have written about breach of fiduciary duty -- nothing could be a greater breach than then the constant Dues payments.
Richard, your own federation is paying what? Over $2 million a year --and how many in your community even know? We know that you permit this horrific waste to be hidden in the overseas allocation -- do something about that.
Don't we get the leaders we deserve -- in particular the pros? I can't think of a greater mediocrity that is JFNA today..and we just keep the money flowing. You have written about breach of fiduciary duty -- nothing could be a greater breach than then the constant Dues payments.
Richard, your own federation is paying what? Over $2 million a year --and how many in your community even know? We know that you permit this horrific waste to be hidden in the overseas allocation -- do something about that.
I would encourage you to read this article. Even Charity Navigator has recognized that it's evaluative criteria is wrong. That is not, however, to say that JFNA is a model of effectiveness or transparency.
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