Sunday, August 8, 2021


I can picture the balabatim sitting around their Zoom boxes and collectively breathing a sigh of relief: "we can safely cancel the GA again -- COVID, you know." Now I am admitting to my own cynicism and I'm certain this meeting never happened. Nonetheless, this was a GA that should not have happened even were COVID not the threat that it remains. 

Eric and Mark should have held the funeral, said Kaddish and given the General Assembly the burial it deserved after year-after-year of failure, announced annual registration of a fictitious 3,000, and a general attitude by federation lay leadership of .... meh. But, up until the announcement, unbelievably, the GA in DC again(!!) was going ahead -- I have a feeling that the pre-Registration wasn't going well.

Before COVID struck and overwhelmed, dominated in 2020, JFNA leadership you will recall committed to a comprehensive look at the annual conference. That is a promise, like so many, that remains unfulfilled. I have reached out to many past GA Chairs, to learn if they had been consulted -- not one (including yours truly). Surprised? I'd be surprised if they knew whom any of the Chairs were -- they can call me.

This might have been a useful exercise. But JFNA is busy with other things. 


1 comment:

  1. Gevalt!Like watching Groundhogs Day for the tenth time,raising the ghost of Faulkner, "The past is never dead. It's not even past".
