Friday, March 27, 2020


American Airlines sent its fliers an alert during this time of pandemic and quarantine. We needed a good laugh.
"For the safety of our customers and flight attendants, we're temporarily suspending food and beverage service on flights under 2,200 miles (typically less than 4½ hours). Limited beverages will be available upon request. On flights over 2,200 miles (typically longer than 4½ hours), we will continue to offer a streamlined food and beverage service."

If I read this correctly, no domestic flights from O'Hare will offer any meal or beverage service -- and, presently, there are no international flights -- as no domestic flight from Chicago exceeds 2,200 miles (OK, maybe there is a flight to Hawaii that would get you "streamlined food and. beverage service.")

Apparently, it is safe to provide "food and beverage service" on flights over 2,200 miles but it is unsafe on any flights of fewer miles. More germs on shorter flights?

And, what are "limited beverages?" And, inasmuch as "airline food" is often referenced as an oxymoron, should I really care?

Who writes this stuff? (Strong suspicion that the policy was developed in concert with Stephen Miller.) Who runs AA?


1 comment:

  1. Written by the same clueless federation vp who pitched us a story a few days back on how their CEO is "pulling people together, solving problems, and providing vital resources to help create a healthy, closer, and more secure community."
