Tuesday, February 4, 2020


~~ One big thing...Dov Ben Shimon, the MetroWest federation President and CEO, has demonstrated in word and deed that he "gets it," recently published an interesting article across social media: Let's Meet Up, Literally. In it Dov urges that all Jewish organizations which engage with the federation system and all JFNA constituencies commit to attending the General Assemby (I assume that the author would also suppport making the GA meaningful and relevant to the attendees, but that's another matter.)

It may be of interest but I had urged this on a smaller scale for decades (until I threw in the towel when I could convince no one in leadership). Back when I had some "clout" at the United Jewish Appeal (so you know how long ago that really was), I suggested to UJA’s National Women's Philanthropy leaders that they hold their national and worldwide meetings in conjunction with the GA -- the suggestion did not just meet resistance, it was rejected out of hand. 

As Ben Shimon has framed his "let's all meet" plan, I'm hoping that all those to whom he addressed his plan give it real consideration.

~~ On a lesser note we read the following announcement: 
"Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion...is also receiving a $500,000 NEH (National Endowment for ther Humanities) Grant for the construction of a special collections facility to house the records of the Jewish Federations of North America." (Emphasis added) 
I have to assume that these "records" will include those of UJA/UIA/CJF in addition to those of the Jewish Federations of North America. If not, not much space will be needed to store the Minutes of ONAD or the Global Planning Table, assorted and discarded Strategic Plans, a file drawer filled with take-out menus, and one unused treadmill, mint condition.

Seriously, this is a wonderful Grant. My congratulations to all those involved. There will be more about this in a later Post.



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