Monday, February 24, 2020


1. After Gail Reiss's abrupt resignation and departure (one day later!!!) from her position as CEO of JAFI/JAID, JAFI North America and JA leadership determined to move forward with a long-scheduled leadership Retreat rather than postponing it to a later date. I've read the Retreat papers and they were excellent -- had the meeting been held in 2002. In fact, almost the identical meeting and Agenda were held in 2002 and 2003 and 2004 -- with the same results I'm afraid.

BTW, I am particularly pleased that after 15 years of my own failed advocacy within JAFI'S lay and professional leadership for greater advocacy at the federation level, with JFNA's perverse but well-executed "encouragement" (in its abandonment of UIA and the Jewish Agency and its own failed "advocacy"), JAFI NA and JAID will now move forward. They have no choice; but, then again, they never did. Leaving that non-existent advocacy to JFNA was the disaster anyone could have predicted it would be.

Sorry, sisters and brothers, that ship left the port -- check the allocations. Still, this is an important exercise. 

Now, hire a fund-raiser. And, give that professional a chance and the time to succeed. (And, don't tell me that you've already done so -- no, you hired a succession of great professionals and never gave them the time or the support.)

I recommend that those interested reread (or read) the Comments 
to my recent Posts on the subject. In all events, good luck to them.

2. There was some quiet skepticism when we in Chicago hired Lonnie Nasatir away from ADL to succeed Steve as Chicago's CEO while at one and the same time Steve would remain as "Vice Chair"  (or some such title) for a few years continuing his Herculean fund-raising, building a "Fund for the Future." But the transition has gone exceptionally well here. Steve has made clear that "CEO" is Lonnie's job, Lonnie is the spokesman, and the professional face of our Federation; no longer his. That says a lot about Steve after 40 years of professional leadership and a lot about Lonnie and Chicago's current lay leaders, as well.

Now, I am wondering about a similar "succession" that doesn't appear on the surface to be working as well or well at all. I am looking at the Conference of Presidents where, as you know, William Daroff succeeded the inestimable Malcolm Hoenlein as CEO and President. Malcolm apparently is now titled Executive Vice Chair of the Conference, still giving interviews (most recently reflecting on the Conference Mission stop in Saudi Arabia). 

In an interview in Jewish Insider on February 21, Daroff confirmed Malcolm's continuing leadership

I'm certain Malcolm wants William to succeed but if he cannot back away completely from any public role for the Conference, he will make William's transition difficult...very difficult. Maybe some lay leaders might intervene?


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