Friday, January 10, 2020


Continuing her streak of columns based on a wholly, demonstrably false premise, Israeli right-wing pundit, Caroline Glick, has struck again. This time she posed the question When Will American Jewry Wake Up? You may read the screed at

In this epic rant, Glick who appears to hate American Jewry, at least in part, because we vote in a super-majority as Democrats or independents; we are all lumped in her "liberal/left wing/anti-Israel" category; we should be ashamed. The particular column states as fact that American Jewish institutions ignore the "facts" of left-wing and African-American anti-semitism -- she, of course, offers no facts, none. Yet, she asserts:
"Instead of accepting these facts, liberal Jews make excuses for leftist and black anti-Semites."
As is her style, Glick offers no example of institutional "excuses."

But, immediately, after this false assertion Glick veered off into the depths of her false premise:
"Almost every major American Jewish organization --from Aipac to the Reform and Conservative movements -- clings to the 'two-state" paradigm as an article of faith despite the fact that like the Palestinians, anti-Israel activists and groups reject Israel's right to exist."
That "paradigm" as I recall was at one time endorsed by a succession of Israeli Prime Ministers, including PM Netanyahu. Oh, well; never mind.

But, Glick went on:
"The apparent thinking is that the American Jewish community's support for Palestinian statehood will convince leftist anti-semites to accept that Jews have the right to support Israel's existence..."
Feel free to just think: HUH?

I assume that Glick feels free to "comment" on the positions of American Jewry on all things because she was born here. Clearly, she is wrong...terriibly wrong...and totally unconcerned that she is.



  1. Glick is the worst kind of polemicist. The unthinking kind.

  2. Anon 7:01. That is because you disagree with her. For those of us who think she us right, she is a bright light in a world full of people who just don't get it
