Sunday, August 25, 2019


Over the course of our friend Jerry Silverman's (and, truth be told, Mark Gurvis') tenure, nothing better indicated the lack of internal controls and the violation of basic non-profit management principles than did something called Cabinet Calm.  

And, what is Cabinet Calm, you might ask? It is a weekend in sunny Southern California (at Estancia La Jolla, of course) of blissful zen, meditation, massage and "mindfulness" to which JFNA Young Leadership Cabinet members and alumni, spouses and, I guess, children of all ages were invited, As the invitation states:
"Cabinet Calm is planned and self-organized by National Young Leadership Cabinet Chevre."
The cost of this weekend -- $800 per person not including hotel costs (the least expensive room at the Estancia La Jolla  will set you back at least $1,000 for the three nights). There is no Cabinet "purpose" served by this weekend. It is purely a private event, organized and paid for as such.

Who authorized the use of the Young Leadership Cabinet Mailing List for a purely private activity? What organization permits this? Federations hold these lists in trust. Schemes that would have allowed their use (e.g., magazine subscriptions) beyond the federation have been rejected outright. Yet, in this circumstance, for no reason whatsoever, the Cabinet mailing list is released.

All I can think of is that my...our...great friend, Rabbi Herb Friedman, z'l, the creator of the Cabinets when he served with such distinction as the UJA CEO, would have reserved the scorn he had for the fools who have allowed this to take place.

No, I'm not calm at all. How about you?



  1. What are JFNA's and our federation's lay leaders afraid of?
    They are either afraid to make waves or have been completely put to sleep by those that are manipulating us all into oblivion, hoping that the system will survive long enough for them to accumulate enough inflated paychecks and pensions to insure their own futures, even as they destroy the future of our Jewish communal way of life.
    They are keeping us all calm, killing us softly, without a fight or even a cry of opposition.
    Shame on them and shame on us for letting them get away with it!

  2. An answer to Anonymous' question: the lay leadership in too many instances is in fear of "crossing" anyone -- especially of getting on the wrong side of the "professional" cadre and those who may determine their leadership "future." And that's the only "future" these so-called "leaders" truly care about.

    Thus, silence.
