Monday, August 12, 2019


Dan Brown, the brilliant and insightful Founder and CEO of ejewishphilanthropy, and one of the great reporters and editors on the Jewish communal condition, in a Comment to a recent Post on the Blog, observed
"The non-American members of JAFI's board see this change (the vivisection of UIA and a reorganization that placed UIA and its functions under the thumb of the failed JFNA-Israel) , among others, as a positive. In fact, most are upbeat about the various changes currently taking place in JAFI and are convinced they will bring more American dollars to the table. Perhaps I'm the lone man out not drinking the Kool Aid."
No, Dan, there are many who have yet to swallow the Kool-Aid and the bullshit that comes with it.

Anyone....anyone at all...who believes that the American Jewish polity will provide greater financial support to JAFI's core budget because of the deconstruction of UIA, the transfer of greater functions to JFNA-Israel, the hire of Gail Reiss as CEO of JAID, the JAFI expensive FRD operation or the commendable openness of Bougie Herzog, the Chair of th4e Executive -- or for any other reason whatsoever -- is smoking something powerful and/or in total denial of reality. 

For a decade and longer, the federations' cash allocations to JAFI and JDC core budgets have been in free-fall. The allocation to the Jewish Agency alone has dropped beyond its own red line by $10 million to less than $85 million, falling year-by-year-by year. It has been losing market share to JDC and its own stated and restated purposes -- the primary ones seem today  to be "Jewish unity" and battling the World-wide plague of growing anti-semitism -- are confused with those of other, more focused organizations.

Is the UJA-Federation of New York not considering Draconian cuts to its core allocation? Will other Large City federations increase theirs to make up the resultant cuts? Rhetorical question.

Visits by Herzog or the misbegotten assignment by JAID of its fund-raising professionals (without prior communal engagement) to communities to engage in, what, allocations advocacy (who thought that one up?), are not going to make up the shortfall or staunch the tide. JFNA, in its attempted whitewash of its own failings as the putative allocations advocacy agent for JAFI.JDC/ORT, shifted the advocacy back to JAFI/JDC/ORT without guidance or management -- just walking away...."not our problem." 

In treating any addiction, the first steps for the addict is to acknowledge that the/she has the addiction. In the allocations process, there first must be an institutional admission that there is and has been a failure...and those responsible for that failure (and I include the federations, JFNA lay and professional leadership and a succession of leaders at JAFI and JDC who misplaced their confidence long ago that they could rely upon JFNA) have to immediately take responsibility -- all of them.

Who will be the first to step forward? And how will they effect positive change? I have my own ideas....

What are yours?



  1. Anyone who believes that the current JAFI strategic planning process is anything but a smokescreen to keep lay people busy, is doing something stronger than smoking.

    It is absolutely crack territory.

  2. Important to note that JAFI and JDC have different relationships with JFNA. JFNA appoints 30% of JAFI Board members and therefore has considerable sway in controlling JAFI policy, its intrusive engagement and certainly its budget.

  3. Richard, perhaps you could advise your readers of how many "strategic plans" JAFI has convened over the past few years. I can count at least three and, now, four; none of which have attracted much interest from the allocators or th3e fund raisers and and fair reading of the results would cause one to conclude that the Agency has been further weakened by each one in turn.

  4. Followup to 10:50: with KH negotiating a completely new arrangement with JAFI, will they still be entitled to 20% of the board seats or will we see JFNA and WZO split the 20%, or????

  5. A lonely note on JAFI strategic direction: At a time when the tribes of Israel are at each other's throats, and the country has the greatest degree of economic equality of any mature democracy, JAFI should be focusing on the home front and not the ubiquitous but ill defined Diaspora Jewish identity agenda. As for Israel\Diaspora relations, it is in its majority a by product of the occupation.

  6. It was UJC/JFNA that made JAFI and JDC compete and fight each other for funding in the first place (ONAD, GPT etc.) and it should be clear to both of them by now that JFNA screwed them and continues to do so.
    They should screw JFNA and get together to recreate a new joint campaign for Israel and Overseas needs. Acting together they have the potential for real impact and increased efficiency in the field, as well as a better chance for marketing and fundraising success.
    Of course they could also continue to fight it out independently but with much less chance of changing the trendlines.
    Finally, they could simply sit back and allow JFNA and its illustrious Global Operations Office in Jerusalem to continue to advocate for and represent then (i.e. to continue screwing then).

  7. I don't see JDC and JAFI cooperating on ANY FRD initiatives. It's a shame, but also reality. Big egos at both orgs and at JDC a board that will likely never sign off on the decision.

  8. Anon at 8:04 is 100% correct. Zero chance for collaboration. JDC smells blood in the water as it is just now getting real traction in shifting the split among larger Feds, e.g., in Detroit. JAFI views this as JDC "stealing their money", which is an attitude based on a sense of entitlement, not on the reality of the free marketplace where all non-profits need to compete with metrics demonstrating clear need, impact and donors' ROI. The accumulated damage of years of Sharansky and Hoffman arrogance is settling in. JDC shares the same arrogance, but has a product that is simpler to sell -- as long as hunger continues to sell in the age of Jewish oligarchs who can feed everyone and their second cousins.
