Saturday, July 6, 2019


I hope that all of you read the passionate defense of Jerry Silverman's sorry tenure on these pages in a Comment from a Large City Executive whom I believe represents among the best and brightest of his generation of professional leaders. So, even the best of us can't be right 100% of the time. 

As one of the FOB wrote: "Sure, he raised billions of dollars, built the Kotel and unified the Jewish people." Sure he did. He also delivered the Ten Commandments at Sinai. In fact, Jerry's greatest achievement was that his paycheck was never reduced even after he was told that his management responsibilities were being transferred to Mark Gurvis.

Friends, I am sorry, but giving Jerry any credit whatsoever is like crediting a rooster for the sunrise. I guess there is a reward somewhere for Silverman's model of constant upward-failing. 

But, it is hard to criticize Jerry for, well, accepting his annual compensation from what appear to have been a fawning laity unable to come to grips with their responsibilities to evaluate their CEO's performance. They, instead, just looked the other way, rubber-stamped failure and moved on. 

It wasn't the initial employment contract per se: Jerry was untested as an organizational leader but for a few successful years with the Foundation for Camp. Jerry gave what was described as a "brilliant" and, obviously, compelling presentation to the JFNA Search Committee -- you know, those JFNA leaders who were convinced by the incoming JFNA Board Chair that you must judge this book by its cover. There was, quite apparently, little due diligence; there couldn't have been. But....5 years later to have extended that contract...five years of organizational failure during which Silverman had his management responsibilities transferred to another new hire; while Jerry's compensation wasn't halved, it was increased.

No, those lay leaders who extended the Silverman contract are the ones who should be unable to look themselves in the mirror. (BTW, very reliable sources have told me that at the time of Mark Gurvis' hire as COO the then Board Chair has wanted to terminate Jerry's contract; just as other sources have told me that JFNA actually offered Silverman a further extension which Jerry turned down as being too brief a renewal!!)

Friends, these are your leaders. Only in the most dysfunctional of organizations would this pattern be tolerated; at JFNA it is behavior that is (1) applauded and (2) rewarded with a Fund in your name.

And, so it goes at Lake Woebegone.



  1. Richard, and there you have it.
    The lay leaders of JFNA for the past 10 years have allowed this travesty that is Jerry Silverman's tenure take place.
    They are the ones who should be exposed to the system. But will that occur?
    No, there is no, no accountability for them, the search and then compensation committee who renewed his contract.
    Yes, the search committee didn't do any diligence, for had they done even the most cursory investigation, they would have seen the cracks in Jerry's self-promotion.
    But after his first 5 years, to extend his contract; there are no words for those on that committee.
    And now we are here, 10 years later, and JFNA sets up a fund in Jerry's name?
    I hope that Eric Fingerhut has the integrity to challenge his lay leadership to rise up and accept the responsibilities that their positions demand.
    I guess we shall see.

  2. There are less and less of your merry, old men commenting...what does that tell you about your blog?!?!

  3. To anon 7:23 You are a fool. What is happening is that most of those who really understand the disaster that JFNA has become have given up on saving it. Richard's blog is trying to keep the hope alive, and for that, he deserves much credit.

  4. This blog continues to be right on, as it has been for many years - both Richard's posts and many of the reader comments. The only thing wrong with it is that it has only limited exposure. If our Jewish community had more independent journalism, many of the blog's posts and comments would have been reproduced and more people would understand what is going on at JFNA with their financial support.
    Richard, you should folow up on that angle so that the message gets out. That is evidently the only chance we have to force action and change.

  5. To Anon 7:23 PM, or should I say, Jerry, we'll miss your comments starting in 22 days.

  6. To the Commentator who just wrote on February 3, 2021: I cannot print your Comment. It is incomprehensible and a long indictment in the form of claims that some would construe as libelous -- as well as arriving 1-1/2 years after the fact.
