Sunday, June 23, 2019


Like many of you, I received a Memo from the JFNA Board Chair with the June 2019 (Board) Meeting Notes & Jerry Silverman Professional Development Fund. Rendered speechless, all I could do was mumble "Huh?" until I was slapped in the face.

As Mark Wilf wrote:
"...I announced the establishment of the Jerry Silverman Professional Development Fund in honor of Jerry's decade of service to the Jewish Federations of North America and the broader Jewish community."
Mark invited contributions and added: "The funds will be used to support professional development experiences for associates at JFNA and in the Jewish camping world -- two groups that are close to Jerry's heart.

I assume that had JFNA any accomplishments to cite over Jerry's decade of service, those might be funded, but, really, have there been any? Might Jerry wish to kick-off his Fund with a major grant from the $6,000,000(+) he was paid over that decade?

So, really, isn't this just another farewell gift recognizing, as a close friend reminded me, that Jerry " a nice guy and a good, caring Jew." So, there's that.

Two of you offered Anonymous Comments on the Fund:
 "I saw the recent minutes of the Board Meeting and the announcement of the Jerry Silverman Professional Development Fund.

Proving once and for all that timing is everything. 

It’s too late.

Nothing can train him.

You can reach it here: 
 I tried putting in a negative number to get some of my money back, it didn’t work.

The village called, they want their idiot back.."
Or, another:
"The 'Jerry Silverman Professional Development Fund?' How ironic since he led the charge to decimate the Mandel Center a few years ago leaving the feds unsupported in professional development, career coaching and staffing."

Nothing needs to be added.



  1. I hate to pile on but the greatest contribution Jerry has made to the Jewish communal profession is leaving it.

  2. Looks like there are no limits to hypocracy.
    I guess it is clear now that Mark Wilf is no different than any of the others that have come before him lately. He just falls into place and follows the company line instead of acting like he is in charge.
    There is evidently no place anymore for lay leadership in our now "professionally" led organization.

  3. Richard, here's a suggestion. Two months from now can you get an accounting of the amount of money donated so that we can publicize how many professionals will benefit each year and how much they will receive.
