Friday, May 17, 2019


As many of you were good enough to call and write yesterday, JFNA has annointed Former Congressman and the Hillel Chief Professional Officer, Eric Fingerhut, as its new CEO.

While it saddens me that the federation system apparently produced no viable candidate (and recall with me that no Federation CEO will admit to even interviewing for another position until such time as they might be the chosen one), we wish Fingerhut well.



  1. Saddens? How about.. infuriates?
    The JFNA is like the Palestinians.. never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. SICK!

  2. From Jewish camping to Jewish campus life - so what?
    The change is so long overdue that it is doubtful that there is much left to save. The damage and destruction are so deep that it will be a "mission impossible" to turn back the clock and restore what has been lost and to make the needed changes in what remains.
    Good Luck to the new CEO but more practically, good luck to us in finding or creating better vehicles and better paths to follow.
