Friday, April 12, 2019


...and the mess is so big, so deep and so tall,                                                                we can't pick it up, there's no way at all
No, Dr. Seuss wasn't referencing JFNA, but the good doctor could have been.

I keep hoping against hope that change would at least be in the air at 25 Broadway, but that has become nothing more than waiting for monkeys to start typing Shakespeare. In fact, there is not even a dead cat bounce in JFNA as it continues to be distracted by shiny objects like the recent evisceration of UIA embraced blindly and passionately by its leaders.

JFNA, as we know, is the gift that keeps on taking. So long as federations are willing to just send on Dues for which the return is minimal approaching non-existent, doing so either unquestioning or hiding the Dues from its donors behind the camouflage of the overseas allocation, change will never happen. Yes, JFNA, conceived with great hope approaching expectation now appears to be less a continental umbrella of the Federation system than it does a House of Cards. JFNA is the organizational equivalent of the Japanese finger trap (think about it!!)

In my own leadership time, a group of young leaders -- the "Young Turks" -- demanded a seat at the national table; they demanded change. And they succeeded. They offered a model of what could happen; JFNA is a place designed to assure that real change will not happen. Those Young Turks proved that a group of leaders can withstand and overcome the forces of conformity. Eem tirtzu ein zu agada. Instead -- a spa weekend.

JFNA Board meetings have become (always were?) nothing more than Kabuki Theater. There is an implicit, an unspoken, demand for unanimity -- vote with us, support our demands, never question -- otherwise one runs the risk of being cast out to the wilderness. I am reminded of the description of the great leader, Daniel Patrick Moynihan:
"In unanimity one often finds a lack of rigorous thinking."
 Yet we have an organization that demands unanimity, appears always to be offended by dissent. And, those who do not question, like cream, rise to the top. Just look at those in leadership roles at JFNA today; other than Mark Wilf, who rose to Board Chair because of his unique generosity and his leadership bio, the rest, fine people all to be sure, rose by the quality and depth of their obsequity and their undeniable willingness to accept any and every assignment.

And, what does this continuing wash, rinse, repeat leadership cycle do? It effectively freezes out young aspiring leaders from their own leadership roles. It's really shameful that leaders cannot be found who, after their own service, will step aside and open doors for the next generation. I guess they are not asked to move aside, instead only: "What job would you want next?" Success in their prior position? Not required. Just make no waves for the pros and continuously kiss up to those who will determine that next position. 

This is a formula for mediocrity my friends...and it is baked into the JFNA cake. 



  1. Richard - Could you or someone explain in a little more detail what the "recent evisceration of UIA" that yo refer to encompassed and try to explain what was done and why? Why did the JFNA Board want to do this and why did the UIA Board agree to it or accept it? Why did Mark Wilf go along with it? What was its connection to the current JFNA evaluation process that is underway with outside consultants? Is this supposed to create value for JFNA?
    Has the United Israel Appeal really been taken apart after more than 90 years of service?

  2. I am too far removed from JFNA, but it appears to me that the leadership there has atrophied as a result of handing everything over to Jerry during the last 7 years.
    In addition, in the broader sense of the continental Jewish community, both JNF and JFN have grabbed the spotlight as the bright spots of Jewish organizations that represent swaths of the North American Jewish community.
    Not that they are each without faults.
    But it would appear that younger potential leaders who want to be involved in and make an impact with a continental Jewish organization, would never consider the abyss that is 25 Broadway.

  3. Thanks for your questions -- as lawyers might assert in court -- "asked and answered." Please reread (or re4ad for the first time) my Posts in December 2018 on this very subject -- for example, Send in the Clowns, or Positive Dissenting Voices. And, there were more. I know you will find the answers.

  4. Thanks, Richard. I am one of many who offred my service to JFNA leadership while I sat on trhe JFNA Board as a federation Chairman. But I asked questions aboiut the Budget and certain actions I (and others) considered wasteful of donors funds. I asked those questions quietly and privately. It became clear that questions were unwelcome and I became unwelcome as well. I have, in the five years since I left the JFNA Board, dedicated my leadership and philanthropy to an organization, JNF-USA, which welcomed both along with my questions. Sadly, JFNA is a vast wasteland and moire and more federation leaders have figured that out.

  5. You have wreitten of your continuing faith in Mark Wilf to lead JFNA through real change./ Why? Has he shown any interest in dpoiong anything not served up by Silverman even during the dying embers of that pathetic soul's CEOship?

    Give it up. Nothing is going to change.

  6. "The Mandelkorn Award for Distinguished Service recognizes individuals who have made significant and enduring contributions in the field of Jewish community organization practice. This year's recipients are Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson, president of The Wexner Foundation, and Gerrald (Jerry) Silverman, president and CEO of The Jewish Federations of North America."
    No Words.

  7. Doesn't say much about JPRO for recognizing Silverman in that way.

  8. When Trump wins the Nobel Prize, it should come as no surprise.

  9. I wonder if there if self nomination is possible or who Jerry paid to submit his name.

  10. Richard, it would be fascinating to read what you propose are the qualifications and leadership profile of someone who you DO think COULD make it work. Are there no more Young Turks? Is there literally nobody who can do this? It's exhausting reading only the condemnation of current and past leadership. Who are the knights in armor you DO think can slay the dragon of obsolescence?

  11. To Anon above,

    Thanks for yopur inquiry. Rather than repeat myself, again, please take a look at m y Posts before and after Silverman's non-retention. I have answered your excellent questions on more than one occasion.

    If you can't find my Posts...

