Sunday, March 24, 2019


On Monday, March 4, 2019, the New York Times published an article about one Chris Grayling, Britain's beleaguered and totally inept Minister of Transportation. One observer of Grayling's flops -- his nickname is "Failing Grayling" -- commented:
"If anyone was to read the most rudimentary audit about the effects of his time in office on the things he is supposed to be running, he'd have been out years ago."
To which I would add -- Jerry Silverman.

I will not repeat -- for the umpteenth time at least -- a recitation of JFNA's failures under its faux CEO over what is now approaching a decade of ineptitude other than to remind all of us of one critical event: after 4 years on the job, finding he lacked lay leader support to replace Jerry, then Board Chair Michael Siegal did that which he could do: he relieved Jerry of his management responsibilities, foisted Mark Gurvis on him (and us) as COO -- while Silverman's compensation remained the same, later to be increased when his contract was extended for a second term.

Remember: one of the CEO's most major job responsibilities was management -- at least 1/2 of the job if not more -- were taken from him, given to another while his compensation remained the same or increased. And this decision was followed by a five year contract extension. 

Un-f'ing believable.

So, Jerry became nothing more that the "face of JFNA" -- a position that redefined and severely delimited the CEO job. A default position because the lay leadership realized he could not do the job for which he was hired; something that should have been evident from the first #ish, from the first failed TribeFest (of three!!!), from the beginning.

But, no. Instead, the organization has lavished/wasted, by my count, over $6,000,000 in compensation on this CEO; with the most de minimis return on investment. And, other than  Michael Siegal's courageous attempts, the laity played "let's pretend" -- yes, pretending that Jerry was actually adding value to JFNA's work. In fact, when Siegal announced the extension of his contract, Michael was unable to list a single substantive accomplishment, suggesting only that the next five years would somehow yield results unachieved in the first five. A pipe dream.

And, here we are. We have known for six months that Jerry's contract has not been extended. A fine Search firm has been hired, a Search Committee formed (Chaired by JFNA's immediate Past Chair, Richard Sandler, a fine man but whose vision of the role of the lay leader in the sacred lay-professional partnership is that of cheerleader) and populated with experienced lay leadership; a Job Description broadcast far and wide. And, that's all fine; yet, Silverman still sits on his throne, apparently the lamest of lame ducks.

Meanwhile, JFNA is in stasis; as it has been. Isn't it time to just celebrate Jerry's version of leadership and send him home with a check and a gold watch? Enough of this.



  1. Whenever he finally lets go I'm afraid that his ghost will be around to haunt us for a long time to come, not to mention his Israel sidekick who would be crazy to let go of the dream package that she currently enjoys.
    At the end of the day, and that end seems to be approaching rapidly, there will be no way to sustain such expensive "high level" but "zero value" staff.

  2. I have a suggested new byline for JFNA

    Jewish Federations of North America

    When all is said and done - more is said than done...
