Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Here, it is the very outset of 2019, and I am admittedly frustrated...already. Why? The dilatory approach to replacing Jerry Silverman as JFNA CEO. First, somewhere a decision was made to let Jerry linger on as the titular CEO after the decision was made to not renew his fat contract (some within JFNA told me that Silverman was actually offered a further extension of 3 years, which he refused demanding a longer term -- hard to know under that set of facts, who was more irrational -- but never mind) -- yes, a decision to just let Jerry run out his contract.
Rather than find an interim CEO, JFNA's lay leaders seem happy that Jerry is doing some kind of farewell tour, attending the Trump White House Chanukah party, you know, important CEO stuff. While his name appeared among the draftspersons of the destructive Global Affairs faux history and worse recommendations, everyone with whom I've spoken admits that this woeful document was drafted by Gurvis and Caspi. 
And, in the meantime, the Search (being chaired by Richard Sandler [!!]) shows no urgency, leaving JFNA in stasis. We just saw the RFP for interested applicants, published by the Search Consultants. Read it and we'll discuss on the other side:
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) is the umbrella organization for the Jewish Federation movement. JFNA represents 147 Jewish Federations and over 300 Network communities, which raise and distribute more than $3 billion annually. The Federation system, collectively among the top 10 charities on the continent, protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of Torah (Jewish learning,) tzedakah (charity and social justice) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

JFNA serves as the framework to connect local, national and global Jewish communities through the Federation movement. JFNA is a dedicated and proven leader in many areas: 

  1. In Washington, DC, JFNA lobbies to secure $10 billion in public funds that flow to thousands of agencies, including hospitals, nursing homes, community centers and family and children service agencies. 
  2. In Israel, JFNA partners with the Jewish Agency for Israel, Government of Israel and a variety of agencies to secure and sustain the Jewish State and help the most vulnerable groups, including immigrants and holocaust survivors. 
  3. Across the globe, JFNA, with its partner JDC, leads a continental response by providing assistance and rapidly raising and distributing funds for immediate relief and long-term support to Jewish and non-Jewish victims of natural and manmade disasters. 
  4. In local Jewish communities, JFNA provides thought leadership and services that help Federations learn from one another, support their fundraising capacity, build national affinity groups and provide training, collateral materials and seed funding for innovation. 

JFNA continuously builds on its core strengths while finding new opportunities to enhance Jewish life at home and around the world. From delivering essential social services and educating and empowering Jewish communities and leaders, to mobilizing for relief during conflict and crisis, JFNA’s impact has been both broad and profound and has transformed the lives of so many around the world. 

JFNA is headquartered in New York City and has 175 staff members. The agency is governed by a 127-member Board of Trustees and has a budget of approximately $52 million. 
To learn more about JFNA, please visit: https://www.jewishfederations.org/ 
During the past decade, JFNA has worked diligently to help Jewish Federations adapt to the challenges of change in Jewish life, in the critical issues affecting North American communities and in relations between Israel and the Diaspora. It has been innovative and flexible in adjusting its programs and resources to support the changing needs of communities, Federations and their professional staffs. Each Federation has a history of accomplishment and yet each faces similar and different challenges as they engage with a changing community. Like most national organizations, JFNA must address the priorities of different size communities, reflecting varying demographics and cultures, which have different needs and expectations for their central organization. 
Anticipating the transition of JFNA’s CEO and Board Chair, JFNA has undertaken a strategic review to study JFNA and the Federation system. Through a broadly distributed survey and interviews with professionals and volunteer leaders, they sought to learn about the needs of community Federations, how they value the support that they receive from JFNA, and garner ideas about what JFNA could be doing in the future to advance its work and the work of Federations.
The initial findings acknowledge the value of national programs, especially those that motivate and educate lay and professional leaders, advocate for the system in Washington and Israel and rally collective action for crises and emergencies. There is considerable support for JFNA to focus and excel in its work in Talent Development, Fundraising Support, Community Planning and Marketing. JFNA’s partnership with the Jewish Agency, JDC and World ORT continue to be the major focus of its international responsibility.  There is also strong support for JFNA to lead a collective initiative that would rally the imagination and strength of the North American Jewish Community. 

Candidate Qualifications: 
JFNA’s leadership have clearly defined their expectations for the new CEO. In meetings and conversations they underscored that they are drawn to JFNA by the role that the Federations can and should play in conveying Jewish values, strengthening Jewish communities and Jewish life and providing for the Jewish future. 
JFNA leadership views this CEO role as one of the most influential professional leadership roles in the international Jewish communal system and seeks to find an individual with the knowledge, experience, courage and humility to provide that leadership. 
JFNA’s leadership look forward to meeting candidates who:
  • Are “Jewishly literate”, embracing the Jewish values that inform the organization’s work and who can develop and communicate an inspiring vision about how JFNA and Federations together can meet challenges. 

  • Understand the role that Federations play in communities, and the role that JFNA can play in supporting and elevating their work. Candidates must appreciate the impact that Federations can have locally and the wider impact the Federation system can have on behalf of global Jewish communities in Israel and the Diaspora. 

  • Are experienced in marshalling support for ideas and initiatives in organizations with many constituents with diverse perspectives and needs. The CEO will work closely with JFNA’s officers and Board, Federation CEOs and their board chairs. Ideal candidates have been described as diplomat, executive, coalition builder, spokesperson and leader. 

  • Are experienced executives capable of analyzing opportunities, situations and data. Candidates will know when to lead boldly, how to create an environment for difficult but constructive conversation, and how to build support. 

  • Possess the skills and experience to lead change, and can develop ideas and priorities and build the resources and operations required to implement programs with excellence." 

Friends, after the past decade of failure compounding failure, some of which are just now being exposed, there is no longer, if there ever was, the luxury of a dilatory Search effort. Get on with it -- Interim Executive (not Gurvis, not anyone from the current professional staff) followed by a person of proved excellence -- and, no one, who has been associated in a professional or lay capacity during the decade of debacle is eligible.


1 comment:

  1. Stasis doesn't do justice to what won't be happening at 25 Broadway between now and the hiring of a new CEO.
    More than likely, Jerry will try inject himself into many areas to show that he isn't just hanging around.
    My guess is that there will be many meaningful trips to Israel and large city federations. I feel sorry for the staff who will now, after 7+ years, find Jerry asking questions about their work. What a shame

    Interesting job description.
    I wonder if the search committee thought about Jerry's attributes in each of the areas and what score he would be given?
    Also, unless I read it wrong, there doesn't appear to be any mention in the job description about being able to effectively manage an organization with 170+ employees.
    The dedicated professional staff at 25 Broadway at the very least deserve that.
