Thursday, December 27, 2018


Bougie Herzog, JAFI Chair of the Executive, announced that the Jewish Agency had hired Gail Reiss as the new CEO of the Jewish Agency International Development, succeeding Josh Fogelson who resigned that position precipitously earlier this fall. This is great for JAFI; but is it for Gail?

I had the pleasure of working with Gail over the course of her years as one or the great senior professionals at the United Jewish Appeal, z'l, and then during her leadership time at JFNA where she was one of the superb professionals effectively forced out as then CEO Howard Rieger defenestrated FRD there with the connivance of his Board Chair. Gail moved on to drive Major Gifts at UJA-Federation of New York and then to professionally lead American Friends of Tel Aviv University.

While all of this was on-going, on the JAFI side a series of superb professionals, from Atlanta's David Sarnat, to D.C.'s Misha Galperin to Minneapolis' Josh Fogelson (with a soupçon of the terrific fundraiser Jeff Kaye in the mix) tried to professionally lead JAFI's fund raising arm -- first JAFI North America, now JAID -- only to hit the brick wall of frustration in the form of Director General Alan Hoffmann, who undermined any potential success time and again. I've written about this human obstacle on more than one occasion, most recently in JAID...WHY which I commend to your (and Gail Reiss') attention.

Please know that Gail Reiss is one of the hardest working professionals with whom I ever partnered. She understands the lay-professional partnership (though I am not sure whom her lay partners will be in this new area of leadership to tell you the truth). Had Gail asked my counsel before accepting this new leadership role, I would have suggested she speak at length with her predecessors and that she get every promise made to her by Bougie, Michael Siegal and Richie Pearlstone, JAID's Chair, in writing and, as was the case in Misha Galperin's contract, a provision for significant severance in the event of termination.

The good news for Gail is that Hoffmann has allegedly retired even as he attempts to insert his own choice as his successor. The bad news is that his successor is not yet known, It is, therefore, on JAFI's elected leaders to assure Reiss' and JAID's success as it has always been, to assure that all of JAFI understand that Gail's and her staff's success will be JAFI's success and that she be given adequate time and the resources necessary to build that success. Bougie's reported impatience with the "results" of Josh Fogelson's efforts within weeks of his election as JAFI Executive Chair does not predict well on the patience front.

It will take a lot of time for Reiss to gain the trust of her future partners in this effort. If she is not given the time necessary, JAFI and Gail will both be the losers.

For JAFI...again.



  1. Earlier this month Amira Aharonovich was selected to succeed Alan Hoffmann. Josh Schwarcz has a new External Relations role - any sense what this new role will cover? Will Gail Reiss report to him rather than Amira?

  2. Why would anyone, why would Gail Reiss take this job? The only postive is that Hoffmann will allegedly be gone; no longer interfering in the potential success of worldwide fund raising for JAFI.
