Saturday, November 24, 2018


Traveling through Ben Gurion International into or out of Israel one is greeted with a series of slick ads -- I'm not talking about the ones for chocolates, or Duty-Free. I'm speaking of the ones bearing tag lines like:
"Bringing the Jewish People Home"
"Supporting our Soldiers" 
"Bringing Hope to the Next Generations of Jews Around the World" 
And, then, you realize that the focal point of each of these advertisements is singular -- there, in the center of each, is the visage of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the Chairman for Life (apparently) of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. And you realize that these messages were not at all about the IFCJ (or, maybe, a little), but were all about HIM. Yes, Yechiel truly believes that, like a faux Moshiach, He is bringing the Jewish People home, and more. It's him, him, him. Of course it is.

Up to a certain point in time, Eckstein appeared to be satisfied with the kinds of kavod some donors demand (and all are entitled to) -- a photo of Yechiel and a federation leader with an oversized check against the background of a bedraggled Jewish community in, e.g., Kazakhstan, or a speaking engagement at a national meeting of the United Jewish Appeal, or a seat on the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency or newspaper ads promoting him from the JDC. Are those days gone forever with the new promotions in jetways and on the walls of Ben Gurion? 

Today, Eckstein, who, to his credit, made aliya several years ago, promotes himself (actually has others do the promoting) as a potential candidate for Israel's presidency. After all look at all he has accomplished. One of the FOB, when I asked "what's next for this guy?" responded: "I hear he want to build a few pyramids."

There is no denying the prodigious FRD in which Rabbi Eckstein has been engaged for more than three decades now, Nor should anyone deny him credit for driving those 100's of millions to good charitable works in Eastern Europe, Russia and Israel in the name of Christians who have sent their checks in small amounts to the Fellowship. The funds raised have also rewarded Yechiel with a huge salary and provided a major executive position to his daughter, Yael. The IFCJ and its affiliates today represent a mammoth charitable venture operated like a Mom and Pop store; there is a Board...of sorts...that must operate as does President Trump's Cabinet.

Then, a few years ago, Eckstein, at no small expense to the Fellowship, decided to professionalize the operation. He hired at least two outstanding fundraisers -- Jeff Kaye as Executive Vice-President and Seth Moscowitiz as Major Gifts Director -- as he staffed up. Earlier this fall, Kaye and two others left the IFCJ employ abruptly and Eckstein announced to the press that none of the three needed to be replaced. I guess things just didn't work out -- or, perhaps, Yechiel concluded that given that the 2017 IRS 990 disclosed that his compensation from all sources approached $900,000, he could do even more himself. (And that does not even approach the close to $20,000,000 spent ["invested?] a direct mail, direct response consultants.)

Now, there is this huge investment in glossy promos on the walls of Ben Gurion International. I'll leave it to Eckstein's Board to determine if this was an appropriate investment of charitable dollars. In the meantime these ads must make Yechiel Eckstein feel so good each time he walks by and sees himself.

So good.



  1. Maybe they should hire Eckstein to replace Silveman

  2. If Rabbi Eckstein's compensation were known to his contributors, those dollars would dry up before they were done reading the disclosure.

  3. A classic example of someone believing their own PR
