Wednesday, August 15, 2018


1. This one is so JFNA -- no management, no accountability, no oversight....this:
"The Director of Global Operations is a key member of JFNA’s Israel & Overseas team.  He/she will have a primary reporting relationship to the Managing Director, JFNA Israel Office.  The Director of Global Operations promotes our vision of a fully integrated and networked team working in partnership with Federation professional and lay leadership committed to the collective support for Jewish communities around the world. Additionally, he/she will play an active role in cross-organizational activities, liaising with colleagues in Israel and the US to promote the Israel and overseas agenda of the Federation..."
Yep, while JFNA is in transition, on the cusp of a new CEO, with a $950,000 consultant reviewing....whatever...with a new Board Chair on the near-term horizon, with two (count 'em...two) Task Forces "studying" among other things the Israel relationship, the inept JFNA-Israel is advertising for a "Director of Global Operations...(with) a primary reporting relationship to the Managing Director , JFNA Israel..." Huh? Seeing as there is no professional management and clearly no lay oversight, this kind of crap goes on and on and on.

(BTW, in a unique twist, this Director will qualify only if she/he can get over this hurdle: "[O]nly conversational Hebrew required." I guess you have to be able to speak it, not read it.)

2. GA Registration for the GA Lite Tel-Aviv Experience must be at an all-time low. Related organization staff are being offered deep deep registration discounts -- is the same discount being offered to Jewish federation staffers in North American federations? Is anything thought through at any point?

3. Three recent headlines from the FedWorld rag tells us a lot: JFNA Speak Out on Israel-Diaspora, JFNA is Disappointed That Israel Passes Nation-State Bill and Like Israel, Countries Grapple with Identity and Democracy and GA Will Address Integrating Israeli Minorities and More.



  1. Any appointment of a Director of Global Operations for JFNA's Israel Office should be put on hold at least until the task force report that is studying how we work in Israel is presented and studied. If that task force is really free to act it will no doubt recommend that I&O be returned to its historical location in the New York Office rather than in Jerusalen - that its role should be to advocate for Israel & Overseas to tbe Federations in the US - not to futilly attempt to influence Israeli policy, compete with the Israeli non-profit sector and our historical partners, "monitor" the Knesset and produce research reports with information that is readily available online.

    Hopefully someone will act to put a stop to the empire-building approach that we have witnessed over the past decade and the ridiculous notion that JFNA should or can attemot to successfully manage the world through its own bloated "Global Operations" entity, especially when it has no leaadership, no management and no oversight.

    Enough is enough - actually way too much already!

  2. Who exactly is the "Managing Director" of the JFNA Israel Office?
    Does the "Managing Director" manage the "Director General" or vice versa?
    Who is in charge?
    Who manages this "fully integrated and networked team" - who oversees these operations?
    What does this team actually do - for JFNA? for our Federations? for Israel? for the Jewish People?
    No need to answer.
