Friday, August 3, 2018


The push is on for the October 2018 GA in Tel Aviv -- ostensibly honoring Israel's 70th but, in reality, memorializing the death of the GA as we once knew it to be. You remember, the General Assemblies of old -- exciting, topical, Plenaries not merely dynamic but with audiences far outstripping the capacities of the Halls where they were held. Maybe one has to be as old as I to remember those because the GAs of the last decade have been desultory affairs, reflected in the attendance of ever fewer lay leaders.

For October, professionals in the field have pointed out to me that the General Assembly has reached a tipping point -- nothing more than a professional gathering with a scattering of laypersons -- the JFNA leadership gaggle. And, looking at the recently distributed "Program Highlights" one can only wonder what would even attract communal professionals to this incredibly expensive and travel-time consuming 4 days in Tel Aviv.

I don't know if "attendance desperation" has already set in, but missives from JFNA-Israel to national and international agencies offering deeply discounted Registration for their Israel-based professionals clearly suggest that, once again and always, the emphasis is on numbers, on futile attempts to fill the rooms while the Program suggests "more of the same." 

Here's what's advertised as Featured Programming:

  • Dialogue Den
  • Rooftop Raps
  • Cocktails at the Knesset
  • Tel Aviv at Night
Might as well call these what they are: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

The whole thing makes one wonder what might have been almost nine years ago when Joanne Moore was hired (and promptly quit) to organize and recreate the GA among other professional responsibilities; instead of what is under the Renee Rothstein umbrella -- one with neither federation background nor experience.

Next year there will be no GA, ending a continuum of Assemblies that dates back long before my first (1974).

Will anyone notice?



  1. Certainly not me...haven't been to one in 5 years

  2. The GA died a few years ago. the burial has just taken a long damn time. There's no substance to the Program; it's a shame,and it's shameful.

  3. Ah, Joanne Moore.
    I wonder if any JFNA Leader from back then, or now, inquired as to why she left JFNA?
    Here was the consummate Federation Lay Leader, who Jerry recruited to resurrect the GA.
    And then, around 6 months in, she ups an quits.
    Did anyone ask her why?
    Then, as now, nobody cared or cares.
    The clues were all there; all someone had to do was ask.

  4. Let's not forget the waste of money and staff time.

  5. This GA is a farce being conducted by an organization that has lost its purpose and character. It is neither UJA nor CJF, it is in fact nothing and offers even less. Were the GA still of great value and take home products, it would be nothing more than putting lipstick on a pig. Federations have a difficult road ahead and get no help from JFNA which, in its self-interest, pares down and then eliminates programs of benefit to its federation woners (like Speakers, CEO searches, fly-ins, FedWev) to protect matters of no value but great cost like JFNA Israel and Silverman's salary and a bunch of consultants.

    Is there any one in charge?

  6. Anonymous 10:28 a.m. is sadly and totally correct. The failed GA is nothing more than a symptom of the disease that has metasticized within JFNA. Each year the organization's lay leadership (yes, I'm talking about you, Jodi Schwartz, and you, Richard Sandler) has permitted the professional staff to cut away muscle from programming and services without a peep; and the Board has sat in silence, letting it happen. The result is an organization now totally incapable of serving the federations.

    Let's end the "farce" and start over because these leaders can't get out of their own way. One has to wonder what the Consultant study could possiby produce and, then, who will be expected to weight the recommendations and implement them.

  7. Anyone who reads the Tentaive Agenda for this "Let's Chat" GA will readily note that aside from a lack of real substance, there is nothing that would suggest that the ruach, the spirit of successful GA's of decades past is anywhere to be found. As you point out, the GA has morphed into nothing more than a lavish professional meeting that allows lay persons in the door.

    Don't waste your time and money; stay home and raise some.
