Saturday, May 26, 2018


For some organizations and some leaders, it's all about them, always all about them. Here are two examples and kore:

  • We learned in an article in that a "Multimillion-dollar building for Christian visitors planned near new US embassy." Yep, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has already broken ground for its Jerusalem HQ "that will provide a home in the Holy Land for visiting Christians." The entry lobby rendereing looks as beautiful as you might expect. Programming for the visitors, as described by Yael Eckstein, "the Fellowship's global exceutive vice president," sounds exceptional. The only thing is: will it really be called "The Global Fellowship House" or will it be "Beit Eckstein," as one of our chevre suggested?
  • Then there's the Zionist Organization of America which, in a recent mail solicitation suggested that we all contribute to the ZOA because "ZOA is proud to say that we were at the forefront of every stage of this fight" to relocate the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. How true. For your gift "you will receive the hard-hitting ZOA magazine." Vayezmir.
  • Past JFNA Chair, current the Founding Chair of Prizmah, Kathy Manning, beat down her primary opponent in her Democratic Primary run for Congress in the North Carolina 13th Congressional District. She'll face the Republican incumbent in November. I join all of her supporters in wishing her further success. I'm not great on political advice but let me suggest: "Kathy, maybe it would be best to play down the 'I graduated from Harvard' big for the duration, proud as you are." BTW, David Butler, one of Kathy's most fervent supporters within the failed Global Planning Table process is/did hold a fund raising event for Manning. Invited? No.
  • Why do some professionals now find the need to list themselves as the "Founding CEO of _________." Why? Should a Steve Nasatir now identify himself "Dean of Federation CEOs" or another as "Longest Serving CEO of the __________ federation" on their communal letterhead? 

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