Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Friends, I want to apologize for using the slur "retarded" in my Post "FRD." I should have realized how hurtful this word has become to so many and I want any and all of you to know how sorry I am for having deployed it. 

It will not happen again; it shouldn't have happened at all.


1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Laszlo MizrahiApril 25, 2018 at 8:40 AM

    Thank you for an apology. I hope you will build on your words with deeds. Judaism is all about good ACTIONS and not just words. The Jewish community is stronger when it lives up to our values: welcoming, diverse, moral and respectful of each other.

    We want family and friends with disabilities to be able to fully participate and succeed in our community, just like anyone else – while conveying their presence and participation are welcomed. This includes in synagogues, camps, Jewish schools, Hebrew schools, holiday celebrations, healthcare, education, training, employment and religious life overall.

    The fact that you made the deeply offense slur -- right after you said that you knew it was "politically incorrect" meant that you truly have not even attempted to put yourself in the shoes of the 1-in-5 people who have a disability. I strongly urge you to go out and do at least 40 hours of community service volunteering with a disability organization where you will actually interact with people with disabilities. I know that in Chicago there are some good programs in the Jewish community. Friendship circle is always a winner. Also, only 1-in-3 people with a disability have a job. Most want to work. Perhaps you could volunteer to help people with disabilities -- including those with intellectual disabilities get jobs.

    I have worked with your governor on job creation for people with disabilities in your state. As the economy expands, for the first time in decades people with disabilities are gaining jobs, success and independence. According to new data, 9,550 more people with disabilities in Illinois gained employment. People with disabilities previously have been left out of periods of economic growth. Today’s workforce system is better aligned to enable people with disabilities to succeed, just like anyone else. But I am sure that people like you who previously were unaware of issues around disability can be a big help if people like you choose to be allies and not bullies.

    Illinois as a state now ranks 30th on jobs for people with disabilities.

    There re 679,862 working-age people with disabilities living in IL & 242,783 of them have jobs.

    I know you have done a lot of good in the past. I hope that in the future you will not just be a man of words on the sidelines, and instead will be again a man of great deeds.
