Monday, November 7, 2016


This will be brief.

For those of you who are not fans of big-time college football, Les Miles while Coach of Louisiana State University averaged better than 10 wins per season (an amazing record), his teams won two SouthEast Conference championships, one National Championship and he was selected College Coach of the Year and, after a 2 win 2 loss start to this season, his twelfth, he was fired. Arguably, Les Miles was the greatest Head Coach in the history of LSU. Again, he was fired.

Then, you have our woebegotten JFNA CEO, without a win in seven years, who not only keeps his job with the apparent enthusiastic support of three successive Board Chairs; his contract was renewed.

Class Assignment: Les Miles/Jerry Silverman -- compare, contrast and try to explain.

Meanwhile, all of you understand why we find ourselves in such a pathetic mind-boggling circumstance. To paraphrase the New York Times Frank Bruni:
"(The JFNA of today)...has shown me many things that I never thought I'd see and others that I'd never seen so clearly, including the readiness of (the) power trade dignity for relevance and swap pride (and values) for a place at the table..."
Maybe that explains so much... 



  1. We get the idea that you don't like this fellow.
    What is the point in repeating it endlessly, in continuously repeating such ad hominem attacks?

    I am sure you were taught about Lashon Harah in elementary school.

    Such shameless personal criticism - as opposed to specific critiques of programs or effectiveness - creates the same awful role model of these elections.

    Clearly, there is a reason why three accomplished and wealthy individuals that own nothing to your target of attack supported him.

    Wouldn't it be better to understand why?

  2. Richard, apparently this person hasn't read your Blog before or very often. Maybe this person can explain "why." Or, more likely, Jerry wrote this comment himself.

  3. to anon at 7:28: Name 3 SOLID ACCOMPLISHMENTS at JFNA this CEO has DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY for implementing. Ready, set, go .....

  4. Correction: to anon at 7:08: Name 3 SOLID ACCOMPLISHMENTS at JFNA this CEO has DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY for implementing. Ready, set, go .....

  5. Anon 8:29......At least give this person 60 days to come up with his/her answer.

  6. Give him 2 days and he/she can hire Kellyanne to spin it.

  7. And please name three solid accomplishments connected to your Federations or the national system any of you can take credit for?
    Any how many of you so called insiders and leaders will stand up at the next JFNA meeting with what you write here?

  8. Those of us in active leadership roles in federations both as professionals and volunteers are at least evaluated. Most federations I know about have an active and sophisticated method of evaluating the professionals. We also are accountable to our boards that take a pretty active role since it is their own personal funds that keep the organization viable. And finally we are accountable to the community donors that "evaluate" us and the organization with their funds. When they are not satisfied with something their donations go down or disappear entirely.

  9. 2nd what 8:51 says.

    It is also rather obvious there is NO evaluation system, and therefore NO accountability, in place at JFNA at the CEO level; probably never has been. INEXCUSABLE!!!

  10. My Exec is annually reviewed. He publishes a personal report to the Board each year laying out his successes, challenges and plans for the year ahead. Seems simple enough.

  11. And Silverman will deliver another insipid speech at the GA to a 1/2 empty room; Sandler will put his arms around him and say"He's my man" and JFNA will sink further into its earned irrelevance.
