Monday, March 7, 2016


The following is a redacted "ad" solicitation exactly as it appeared:

"The Best Fundraiser in Rhode Island- By _(name redacted)____________

Dear Fund Raiser or Not-for-profit Executive,

Could ___________ actually be the Best Fundraiser in Rhode Island? 

"I suppose I could be the Best Charitable Fundraiser in RI, but there are many good people in the field here in the Ocean State. So why does take you to this page when you enter the search term "the best fundraiser in Rhode Island"?

Let's face it, if the largest interent search company in the world thinks that _____________is the Best Fundraiser in Rhode Island, then who am I, or even you, to dispute it? 

By now you are proably wondering why I keep suggesting that I might be the Best Charitable Fundraiser in Rhode Island. The truth is, it's fun, and it's instructive. and other search engines rely on two types of factors to determine ranking in search results.
  1. On page factors - such as how often a certain keyword or keyword phrase is found on a page, in the page title, and in the meta-tags built into the page
  2. Off page factors - the number of credible sites that recognize the validity of the information on a page by linking to that page or to the homepage of a website.
This article is a simple case study. It is a demonstration of very basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques that you as a Rhode Island Chairty can use to increase your web traffic by people searching for information related to what you do. What better constituency is there? What better source of new members and new donors?

You can use these techniques yourself, or you could hire the Best Fundraiser in Rhode Island, ___________________, who also just might be the Best Interent* Marketer in Rhode Island, as well, to do them for you.

When you think about how much money you spend on marketing your Rhode Island chairty, seekign out new me willing to make charitable contributions, you start to realize how much of your marketing dollar is wasted. One of the most famous advertising executives once stated that at least half of all advertising is a waste, adding that we just don't know which half.

And how much more than half your budget are you wasting letting your fundraisers craft your message? In my 8 years as a charitable fundraiser for one of the more successful charities in RI, I watched my colleagues draft direct mail piece after direct mail piece with only thier passion to guide them. No formal or informal marketing knowledge needed!

So, what if you could, for a small fee, hire ______________, the Best Fundraiser in Rhode Island and possibly the Best Interenet* Marketer in Rhode Island as well, and have him optimize your website so that anyone searching for information....."

Well, you get it, don't you? Best Charitable Fundraiser...Best Interent (sic, or Internet) Marketer...Best Fundraiser period. And, yes, Rhode Island is a small state."

Yep, and, now, he is...where else? Yep, you get it, don't you?


* But probably not the best speller.


  1. From Rhode Island to Los Angeles to New York.

    Now at JFNA

    Josh Karlin.

    Like a slinky going down a stairs.

    It is not nice to make fun of a Jewish communal professional, even if he makes a pathetic laughing stock of himself.

    Seriously, who would want to work for Jerry Silverman?

    Only the unwashed, desperate, or washed up.

  2. Would a truly serious person put a self-promoting ad in the press?

  3. Do you believe that anyone bothered to Google this hire and, perhaps, question not his expertise but his judgment?
