Thursday, August 20, 2015


If you ask Michael Siegal to list the "accomplishments" of JFNA during his three years as Board Chair he will give you a list of few things that amount to...well, absolutely nothing. His acolytes will cheer as if there were accomplishments. They are the Knicker Wetters* of JFNA. Look, we all understand -- no one wants to ever admit failure, let alone failures...plural...let alone not...a...single...success.

Unless, of course, "success' is re-signing (as opposed to resigning) the failed CEO. Or "success" is demanding a new "bench" of senior professionals  -- Gurvis and Rothstein -- whose main contributions appear to be giving Silverman cover. Or, somehow Siegal has convinced himself that "we have had great GAs" when lay registration has fallen to the lowest levels in history. It's one thing when those who see that the Emperor wears on clothes' it's quite another when the Emperor believes that he is perfectly draped in the latest couture.

It's so inconvenient, isn't it, for the knicker wetters to bother themselves with any criticism whatsoever -- after all any criticism would have to be directed at themselves for doing...absolutely nothing. Here is my list of the "accomplishments" during the past three years:

  • Finally, the closing of the book on the ultimate waste that is the Global Planning Table...for which Michael deserves credit for just waiting it out (and probably more). 1.3 FTE remain to pack up the files and bury the body. But what should have been aborted when it first appeared over the objection of every rational review, was allowed to waste millions of dollars and G-d knows how many 1000s of hours because...well, no one either wanted to disappoint Kathy Manning or lacked the cojones to do so;
  • The continuing string of successes at JFNA-Washington; and
  • Continuing valuable programs originated with UJA and CJF, including National Women's Philanthropy, CPE and the Cabinets, such as they are today.
That's it. 

Then there has been the abandonment of "Women at the Wall;" the "delegation" of the conversion issue to JAFI (but, oh, those strong letters); the waste of the Global Planning Table; the FRD failures of "Complete the Journey," and the Israel Emergency Fund and every other feeble effort; and the feckless GAs. And, of course and always, the strange rehiring of the CEO who spearheaded each and every one of these "efforts." Turns out, the only thing we have proved good at -- opening (not filling) Mailboxes.

Thus, of course, those who fear wetting their knickers truly fear that they will do something, anything that might offend anyone at JFNA (or within their own federations) and drop them down a rung on what they perceive to be their "ladder to leadership." Oh, G-d forbid. I watch with a certain irony as some on the JFNA leadership roster plot their "next steps." Many are really, really good. Who are they: usually you can identify them at any meeting by the rictus grin pasted to their punim and their heads eagerly bobbing up and down as a Siegal or Silverman is at the microphone. They ask questions or offer comments so that they will have their moments at the mike letting us know how bright they think they are. They aren't bad people, just the often overly ambitious, some pushed toward the top by one overly ambitious Federation CEO or another. 

You can see the knickers wetting when one of these aspirants sees another emerge, a competitor for the very office(s) he/she wants, the ones you see as "yours" and no one else's. Oh, those are the worst moments of all. After all, you have swallowed hard and led cheers for nothing really year-after-year; and this is your reward -- passed over by someone new on the scene, someone who hasn't kissed tuchis for the last one, five, ten years, promised higher office for your sacrifice of values and principles...and, now, nothing? Somebody parachuted in at the request of an "important" federation. You go to your federation CEO who promises to "put in the good word" but does nothing for fear of offending...Jerry? Hell, you might as well have spoken out; at least then you would have retained your self-respect. But, no, you gave it all up for a promise of a bowl of porridge...and, now, nothing.

Man, that's what passes for leadership JFNA-style.


* In British lore, "knicker wetters" applies equally to men and women.


  1. It is long past time for this whole group; this entire organization to be given their walking papers. My federation will no longer pay the exorbitant, outrageous Dues to support total failure. We know that other federations feel exactly the same way. Thanks for keeping our eyes open and reminding us of our responsibilities.

  2. Yeah, yeah. Like we haven't heard the voices of outrage before. Let's see you actually stop paying the dues first.

  3. Another Anonymous Commentator questioned whether a Federation would refuse to pay Dues and thereby sacrifice the benefits flowing from the work of JFNA-Washington.

    I inadvertently deleted the Comment.

  4. Let the Jewish social services agencies (which is largely the focus of the DC office) fend for themselves. In most Jewish communities the social services agencies are driven by their own existence and business plans, and largely cater to a non Jewish clientele. The idea that there's a meaningful Jewish social safety net is a myth. I'm not talking about subsidies for participation in Jewish life or for those elements of social services that are distinctively Jewish.
    At this point in American society, Jewish elderly, for instance, face the same challenges that face most elderly folks. Same goes for Jewish poverty. Besides, the sheer expense of helping people out of poverty, or just helping them exist in poverty, or taking care of the elderly is beyond the capacity of the American Jewish treasury.

  5. JFNA needs to change or to be replaced.
    If it is incapable of changing and restoring campaign as its core activity then we need to create (recreate) an organization that can.
    UIA should be allowed to do its job and JDC should be brought inside as well so that a new United Jewish Appeal can become a dominant force which will strengthen our collectove system by revitalizing local campaigns and at the same time ensuring that our overseas agencies can continue to do the good work that they do on our behalf.
    Except for the Washington Office, most of the rest - especially Global Operations which is wasting our money trying to imitate and compete with existing organizations - should be laid to rest. Everything should be evaluated in terms of its contribution to our core mission - campaign.
    For the past decade we have been systematically destroying all remnants of unity and collective vision. The time has come for leaders of courage who care to rise up and reclaim our collective mission - either with or without JFNA - before it is indeed too late.

  6. "JDC should be brought inside as well". Great. And what happens to your plan when JDC says thanks but no thanks? Because why should they want to be brought inside?

  7. Yes. Let's have unity and collective vision ... by ditching most of what we do? Our core mission is campaign? Dear me.

  8. To Anon 11:28. Respectfully, you misrepresent the reality and the need in regard to Jewish human services; the amazing culturally sensitive services provided across the continent, particularly in our larger communities where the Jewish poor, the isolated, and the situationally needy are in greatest numbers. Those services are the absolute essence of tzedaka locally and globally. A JFNA report on the matter would be most welcome.

  9. Richard, It's clear that not only has Bob Hyfler nailed it, but also that several of the Anonymous Commentators to this Post must be lodged within (or at the top of) JFNA. Only those with no knowledge of the purposes of federations or the needs to be met by federation planning and fund raising in fulfillment of those plans would argue against both. And inasmuch as JFNA does neither planning nor fund raising, these ill-conceived Comments must have come from the poison pens of those at JFNA.

  10. For shame. Knicker wetters and poison pens. A new low. This kind of vitriol and mean-spirited nastiness does us no good.

  11. Anon. 6:43 p.m. Does this hit too close to home? I sense no "nastiness" here, just sadness and disappointment and a heaping dose of reality.

  12. I'm the anon at 11:28. I wish I didn't have to be anonymous. But I do. I can assure you I'm no JFNA insider. I'm probably one of the more critical voices on this blog.
    Stop with the personal attacks. By all means take issue with the content (as Bob Hyfler did with powerful and succinct eloquence, even if his response did not seem to understand my point). You have different viewpoint -- make it. But the assumptions about me, poison pens, whatever -- are silly and don't move debate forward.

    To Bob, I'd say this: I think I wrote the distinctively Jewish needs should be met (ie Jewish dollars paying for those services only Jewish dollars could provide). Non distinctively Jewish needs should be met via societal solutions, including funding sources.

  13. I am the anon at 6:43. It did indeed hit too close to home. Not because I work at JFNA, or anywhere -- I'm retired. It hit too close to home because calling people knicker wetters and having poison pens is too much. I agree with the anon at 11:28. Stop with the personal attacks. They are not necessary to prove your point. Do you really, really think that anyone is taking this conversation seriously? With all the spiteful name-calling? Really?
    There is so much useful discussion in this blog (and Richard, kudos to you for your leadership). There's no need to undermine what you are trying to achieve with silliness.

  14. To Anon 11:49 thanks. The issue of when or when not to leverage government dollars by providing non-sectarian services has been rightly debated by planners and community lay bodies for decades. There are real time examples of poorly considered over reach, lost opportunities as well as getting it more or less right. The nuances of the issue, including your perspective, continue to be worthy of discussions at a national forum.

    I am btw not a one issue hedgehog when it comes to community building. Human services, global Jewish needs, identity initiatives and leadership and infrastructure building are the major legs upon which the Federation table rests - giving focus, purpose and energy to robust FRD and government relations efforts. We slight any one of them at our peril.

  15. So, once again, Richard, the ball is in your court. Do you keep up with the name-calling and the spiteful attacks? Or do you offer something tangible and meaningful to move us forward? It's easy to keep calling names -- and lots of fun to read -- but when does this cease to be a circus attraction and become a genuine move to change?

  16. Dear Anon 7:56 p.m. Many thanks for your Anonymous constructive counsel. I have published about 1250 Posts. I am proud of almost all of them; and almost all of them offer just what you have anonymously demanded -- all bearing my name. This "ball" is in your "court," my fried. I am waiting for something constructive from you, bearing your name -- something I would be pleased to print. Or, in the alternative, you can return to the Posts I have written since Day 1 of this Blog... read them and then you may, should you choose, apologize to me.

    The fact is, as I have written so often, the most constructive writings on this Blog have come, not fro me, but from the Comments I have received. Try one of those, you may like it, and so would I.
