Thursday, June 18, 2015


I have been frustrated and terribly disappointed with JFNA as every reader knows, but rarely have I been as angry as I find myself today with the shocking indifference to fiduciary responsibility that an organization created with our blood, sweat and tears has shown to those of our People who need our help.

While JFNA convinced a small group of lay and professional leaders to transfer at least $2.5 million from those most in need --the Victims of Terror for whom the funds and the assistance the funds represented -- to an unspecified and unrelated project in the Negev which JFNA would run and control, Jerusalem Online reported ( the shameful reality:
"One year after Operation Protective Edge and just as the rocket fire begins again in Southern Israel; the Ministry of Education announced the cancellation of emotional support for children living in communities near the Gaza Strip, due to a lack of funding. 
 In Southern Israeli communities in general and in particular in those surrounding  Gaza, many children are experiencing anxiety and post-traumatic stress as a result of the tense security situation in recent years. In the past few weeks, sirens have begun to sound again in the area as rockets were fired from Gaza.  In some cases, rockets exploded in Israeli territory but no casualties or damage was reported."
And more:
"Educational psychological service personnel in the Southern Israeli communities received a surprising letter from the Ministry of Education today, which stated: 'We are aware of the difficulty in terms of the timing of this request […] We ask that the therapists consider the means of separation from the children and the parents under the existing circumstances.'”

Could those who recommended to the select few at JFNA that funds that could have helped in such important ways the Israeli children traumatized by terror and war not have known how much these funds were/are needed for their intended purposes? Of course they knew...but no one...asked and these "leaders" felt no need to tell. That's incredible duplicity.

So, here is the result of this heartless, cruel and tragic decision -- the cries of children and their parents for whom our donors pledged "we will help you in your hour of need as we always have" were ignored so that JFNA could transfer those Terror Relief funds to itself to fund something undefined in the Negev for which JFNA raised no money. Never could...never did...didn't even try. This was the most callous disregard of those of our People most in need that I have ever seen in my over 40 years of experience. And JFNA did this in if no one would ever know.

One knowledgeable Commentator wrote of her/his own shame and anger:
"* the secrecy is because they should be ashamed, although they aren't - just afraid that
there may be some intelligent people out there who care and might "make trouble"
* the partners were, of course, consulted - then pretty much ignored
(what do they know about Israel? we are the experts on that, aren't we?)
* of course it should be have been suspect but the I and O (Israel and Overseas) staff did a great job of selling
their "professional" recommendations to the unsuspecting chairs and committee
When I first wrote about this...this...this thing, I called it "theft." I don't have another word for it. This is an act of total irresponsibility; it it totally unworthy of any organization, let alone ours. It was an indefensible act that has been defended by otherwise responsible people -- why, I don't know; no one knows. We have, by a secret vote, by a secret group, deprived our (for we claimed responsibility when we raised funds for the Victim of Terror Fund) children, our extended mishpacha, of the very relief intended to be provided by the funds we raised. How can those claiming the mantle of our leadership be complicit in this massive breach of trust?

No one can claim to be "unsuspecting" any more. Either overturn this terrible breach and help our children or all of you resign...NOW. RIGHT NOW.



  1. I don't know if we are talking about theft but we are definitely talking about ignorance: ignorance of Israeli society and ignorance of how American Jewry relates to Israel. This is true with, some increasingly powerless exceptions, to the pro's at 25 Broadway, their clueless laity and CEO, and the person, living in her own bubble, who manages JFNA affairs in Israel. It is an educational failing as we in NA and our interlocutors in Israel have never gotten to know each other. Unfortunately it will play itself out as farce and tragedy on college campuses where we and brother Shmuley and Uncle Sheldon will divide and alienate a generation of American Jews. The Negev will survive. But Diaspora Jewish relations is heading for a fall.

  2. Not entirely related, but you recently blogged about JFNA's use of outside professionals to do their work (i.e. Houston). I thought you'd like to see what Richard Friedman is "proudly" touting:

    "Though I've been a journalist for 40 years, the best writing being done these days at the BJF is coming from 25-year-old staffer Samantha Dubrinsky. Sam's extraordinary reporting from Ukraine this week has generated widespread feedback including this email from our national agency Jewish Federations of North America: "Might Samantha be available to travel and speak in some of our Federation communities about her experience in Ukraine? We are intensely raising financial support for Ukraine's Jews and Samantha's stories might be a credible, powerful way to raise the needed funds."

    I see it as another failure of being able to produce for the system. "Hey, we don't have to work. We'll let others do it for us and then call it our own."

    PS Really? JFNA is "intensely raising financial support..."? Really!

  3. Thanks for the cite to Richard Friedman's op-ed. I will be including references to this very piece in further Updates next week.

  4. To the second anonymous: JFNA did not use outside professionals to go into Houston. In fact from what I know about the situation JFNA had nothing to do with it. I believe the exec in Houston called Feinberg directly and he went to help independently with the blessing of ORT. In fact, I would not be surprised that JFNA never knew he was there unless someone in Houston alerted them.

  5. Richard you should look at the powerful work the NY and LA Feds are doing in Israel to help heal the people independent of JFNA.

  6. I would very much like to --- please tell us more.

  7. I would very much like to --- please tell us more.

  8. Richard, You are extremely picky. You expect this group of so-called "leaders" to adhere to a set of values these people don't even understand or are willing to totally ignore. If this is leadership, we are in the sorry sorry state you have described. Maybe you don't realize it but a large group of Chicagoans hold major leadership positions within JFNA, the IAN and within the Large City Executives. Why don't you identify them and see if you can get them to lead out of this mess and into a value-driven organization. Or don't they care either?
