Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Friends, late yesterday we received one of the most ridiculous in a history of the ridiculous: a letter from Michael and Jerry letting us know that they attended Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to Congress. Then they summarized the speech all of us had seen along with a brief mention of Samantha Powers' speech at the AIPAC Assembly. The letter closed with an expression of their hopes for any final deal with Iran.

I got the same letter from my Senator.

It's all true.

That was it. I am so glad Michael and Jerry were there; I am always pleased to know where they are. This is what they do. This is almost all they do. I live vicariously through them. And I hope they will let us know where they will be tomorrow, the next day and the day after that. 

That's all.

Happy Purim.


1 comment:

  1. Top Headline for 2015March 4, 2015 at 9:23 AM

    "Bibi loses election...announces move to America to accept CEO position at JFNA."
    Heard at the Capitol on Tuesday: (JS) "I give great speeches too with no results but never get that kind of applause!"
    Shmuley Boteach to headline GA. GA moved to Sands Las Vegas.
    Happy Purim Chaverim!
