Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I awakened to read Rich Bernstein's email apology to me. He had not read the Post  before our correspondence began; now he has. He understands that I did deny being "Jacob Levy" and that I do not know who he is, if he exists at all. I responded that of course I accepted his apology with the hope that we can work together toward make Jewish organizational life better.

Shortly thereafter I read Dan Brown's superb expose in today's ejewishphilanthropy that should be required reading for all those who are charged with responsibility for monitoring the expenditure of donors' funds in Israel -- that's UIA/JFNA and JAFI itself. Dan has analyzed what a failure to monitor might mean and just how, in the instance of MASA, a program of such promise is being abused.


1 comment:

  1. A change in personalities will naturally follow a renewal in vision, direction, priorities and institutional relationships. With the greatest respect for all, their histories and feelings, can we now focus on the tasks at hand?
