Friday, December 5, 2014


Like many at JFNA, reading this Blog on a regular basis is like being flogged three times a week -- who wants your faults, your failures spelled out in italics for all to see? I wouldn't...but I might admit to peeking at it once in a while. If you ask one of these so-called "leaders" if they read this, they would tell you that they don't and try to get you to stop reading it as well -- better their lies than my truths any time.

Lou Feldstein has had a terrific career that included productive stints at JFNA and the Atlanta Jewish Federation. He now is a change consultant. Here is his most recent publication -- how wonderful it would be if those leading our Continental institution could read it and comprehend it.


  1. Lou is a mench and a really smart guy. Readers might want to google 'kotters eight step guide for leading change" for the classic exposition of his thinking. But many of us in the federation business have been quoting Kotter for 20 years. Either some people don't read or don't think or both.

  2. Note to Michael, Jerry and Kathy and others who "don't read the blog" - If you have trouble reading the words to the right as they are blocked for some reason until Richard fixes them, all you have to do is highlight the entire article and copy and paste to a Word document.

  3. actually, all you have to do is click on it

  4. On the substantive side, how can there ever be change at an organization whose leaders believe that things are "just fine," that the recent GAs were "just great?" Because that's how it is at JFNA. They don't need any change and, anyway, change us just too damn hard.

  5. Look, Siegal is a nice guy, probably a tough businessman, but he is so out of his element at JFNA, he still has no more of a clue than his CEO. And, Dede Feinberg, a terrific person, but completely unwilling to question, engage or fight for what she believes -- she wanders around meetings parroting anything that Silverman tells her as if these (often total fabrications) were true.

    Essentially, and tragically, JFNA is leaderless on BOTH the lay and pro sides.

  6. Yes, someone should share this with Siegal but they clearly will have to explain it to him in very small words as his limited comprehension of all that is going on around him has created a leadership void that has further brought JFNA to its knees

  7. Yes, someone should share this with Siegal but they clearly will have to explain it to him in very small words as his limited comprehension of all that is going on around him has created a leadership void that has further brought JFNA to its knees
