Friday, October 17, 2014


Friends, you have raised some questions in your Comments that I wanted to try to answer in today's Post:

  • Can't you send the Posts directly to the JFNA Executive Committee? Well, yes, I guess I could, but though many of them would deny it, many clearly do read it. I would guess they ponder the questions raised, consider the impudence of the source, and then go back to their dormant states. 
  • Did you ever get an answer from the Board Chair to your recent Post addressed to him? No, the Board Chair can't be bothered with serious questions about the competency of the JFNA CEO. He is too smart and too experienced not to know -- so why bother responding? 
  • Why do federations still pay Dues yet demand nothing of JFNA? Because a termination of membership would mean, among other things: no more Lions of Judah, no more Professional conferences, no more Young Leadership Cabinets, no more Dues "deals" (you know, the ones we never hear about), no more GA participation. So your community just swallows hard and pays and pays, asking for nothing in return -- some communal Dues approach $6,000,000, others in excess of $1,000,000, but for every community, except the "richest," Dues are a hardship. A reformed JFNA could still offer all the things federations fear losing, but even challenging the on-going pathetic wanderings of the JFNA of the present and the past 8 years carries the risk of ostracism and worse.
  • What about the guy who wrote that your claims to "exile" were "crap"? Did he ever respond to your request for the names of his blind copy recipients, among other things? Nah, bullies don't respond to requests (unless they are from someone who can do them some good). 
  • What about the Board Chair, did he ever respond to your recent letter Post? No and no. I am reminded that his predecessor claimed never to read this thing; yet, admitted to one and all that I ruined many a breakfast as she read it. Facts hurt so much. I reflect on the courageous statement that Zygi and Mark Wilf made on television last week as they reversed an earlier public position about an employee: "We made a mistake...And we needed to get this right." How I long to hear those words from the JFNA Board's long past time to call a mistake for what it was four five years ago and is...a mistake. And then do something about it.


  1. Actually, Richie, the Board Chair won't respond because he is too embarrassedly what he has found and the fact that he can't figure any way to escape the mess. So he is in total denial.

  2. They not only have no answers, these leaders don't even understand the questions

  3. You can't answer if you understand nothing...that's where our JFNA leaders are today.

  4. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
