Thursday, August 7, 2014


1. The Israeli loss of life to date in Operation Protective Edge has been enormous for a country and People that values life higher than all. To date 64 members of the IDF, fighting for us, have been killed. But not to JFNA's CEO. Here is what he wrote in his "Day 30" Update: "... officials confirm that Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure has been severely crippled, and that immediate threats posed by terrorist tunnels (which resulted in 11 IDF fatalities) have been removed." Jerry, please stop!!

This Comment appeared to yesterday's Post. It tells this story better than I:

"Richard, you should definitely not feel slighted that Silverman doesn't read your blog. It seems he doesn't read papers either. Today's leadership briefing day 30 has the following statement. As of right now, "Israel has witnessed more than 24 hours of relative calm. The result is a growing sense of cautious relief throughout the country. While the IDF remains positioned along the Gaza border, officials confirm that Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure has been severely crippled, and that immediate threats posed by terrorist tunnels (which resulted in 11 IDF fatalities) have been removed." Either Silverman is using the same inept people to count that typically over count the GA and Tribefest attendance in this case to seriously under count the tragic death toll or he doesn't understand that the entire purpose of going in to Gaza was to dismantle the tunnels. This action has resulted in almost six times the death toll (as reported by J.S.for the IDF as of yesterday."  

2. On an absurd note: Over two years ago I published some "Rules" that, if observed, might make all of our lives easier. One that I felt very important read something like this: 

 "If you are one of twenty or more people e-vited to a conference call or a    meeting, do not hit "Reply All" to advise all other Invitees of your availability or lack thereof."

Some very special folks apparently believe that everyone is interested in their whereabouts.  

Viz, yesterday I and 92 others received an e-vite to a Conference Call meeting. One very special person let all of us know that: "I will be in israel. If I am not at dinner I will join

So, now we all know. I'm rooting that she goes to dinner.


1 comment:

  1. I am all for eliminating the "Reply All" link from all communications.
