Sunday, August 17, 2014



January 8, 2015

FROM: Michael Siegal
             Dede Feinberg


Tomorrow, our 15th JFNA Solidarity Mission will depart from Liberty International Airport, Newark, NJ, for Israel where we will once again and forever express our unity with Israel and the Israeli People. We still have room on our three buses (lots of room) and would love it if you would join us for the next week. Yes, you may already have plans or work or family obligations tomorrow, but, come on, drop everything and experience what CEO Jerry Silverman has already experienced on the first 14 of these expressions of We Are One, if we may use that hackneyed phrase.

If you are interested, grab your Passport and call Gil Travel -- we can still get you a seat on one of three El Al flights tomorrow for $1,555.55 (yes, United has a flight for $1,200 with seats out of your home airport through EWR but this is our Mission) and ground costs, double occupancy will be $1301 for three nights in Israel at a Dan Hotel or someplace. It's expensive but we have to pay our speakers and our costs even though they are all either military, political or, G-d bless 'em, our staff.

We know it's very last minute but we really need to fill those buses, and you can make it happen. This is really about JFNA, after all. 

If you have questions, it's too late to e-mail them, please just call us and we will answer them to the best of our ability. But, really, time is short, Jerry will answer any questions on your flight or when you get to Israel, for sure. Just throw some stuff in a carry-on and get to a nearby airport and get to Newark Liberty International -- but first, Register and send us a check..

And, of course, there will be no funds raised on this Mission; we won't even take your money if you hand us a check. Promise.


You might be asking yourselves what possibly inspired (if that's the word) this e-vite. Well, late on August 13, I and many others received a somewhat dissimilar but timed almost the same e-vite from our Chairs (followed by one from the two superb Mission Co-Chairs), to join them on a three bus Fourth Solidarity Mission departing on August 17. 

I am a total believer in the need for our expressions of Solidarity...but should Missions be the only way?



Chair Siegal circulated an August 5 letter from Prime Minister Netanyahu on August 20 that stated in pertinent part:
"Indeed, JFNA's Solidarity Missions over the last months have been an important demonstration of unity during what has been an especially challenging and turbulent time..."

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