Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Our friends at ejewishphilanthropy have accurately reported on the balagan that has emerged from the Prime Minister's apparent unilateral decision breach the historic Covenant between the Jewish Agency for Israel and the State of Israel by transferring the aliyah function housed in JAFI from its formation to...well, yesterday. JAFI has issued a statement that essentially concluded that "nothing has changed" and did so without any apparent consultation with its partners. Then, without any apparent consultation with JAFI or the Government, JFNA sent a letter to the Prime Minister condemning the action without any real knowledge of what is going on. Read this sordid history at http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/the-jafi-aliyah-saga-contd/

Oh, did I mention that also involved here are the Jewish National Fund-Israel and the World Zionist Organization? Sure, it's not enough of a mess without them. The GOI announced that essentially JNF-Israel "bought" the aliyah function for IS 100,000,000; and the WZO, which essentially controls the extraordinary majority of votes in JAFI and owes a fiduciary duty to JAFI as such, has been absorbing Jewish Agency functions (or duplicating them) and performing Government functions (e.g., settlement building) for a profit for years. And, of course, if the whole thing is not bad enough, JNF-Israel, with more money than G-d, has denied it has paid or will pay anything as it gets involved in aliyah at the Prime Minister's behest.

Then there is the reality that a few years ago JAFI effectively "sold" North American aliyah to an organization called Nefesh b'Nefesh which promised it could do it better and cheaper. And since, you ask? The numbers have barely moved up while the cost per oleh has. Mess follows mess follows mess. But you knew that would be the case if JFNA's fingerprints were found anywhere on the body.

If this sounds to you like a mess, that's because it is one. Anyone who believes that there is an effective partnership among any party to this multi-cornered mess, raise your hand.

The Jewish Agency Board meetings in two weeks should be a blast. My chevra are betting that the whole thing will be avoided by a leadership that may actually believe that nothing that has happened affects JAFI -- and the sad footnote is that they may be right, so out of touch with JAFI's own legacy are they.

And our system lays in ruins.



  1. One correction Richard, the JNF "buy" is 100 million shekel, not dollars. Though with KKL's long history of non-transparency, it could just as easily be the former and no-one would know.

  2. I'm in Israel where no one I spoke to cared about this. General response: ho-hum, more of the same...

    JPost: http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/Govt-endangering-immigration-efforts-US-Jewish-leaders-tell-PM-355933

  3. Most Israelis can't tell the difference between the organizations, and know almost nothing about them, unfortunately.

    This is Bibi privatizing anything and everything, as long as the JNF can make a fortune and not report.
    Sad, but true.

    Joe Brown Leer

  4. Most Israelis can't tell the difference between the organizations, and know almost nothing about them, unfortunately.

    This is Bibi privatizing anything and everything, as long as the JNF can make a fortune and not report.
    Sad, but true.

    Joe Brown Leer

  5. What we are seeing on multiple fronts is a wave of "philanthropic populism" where multiple organizational and governmental actors pursue half-baked ideas that pander to communal fears and what they perceive as big money donor hot buttons. Left out of course are the needs and wants of local communities (globally) and the understanding that if what is contemplated is not sustainable it is doomed to fail or make situations worse.

  6. Some clarification is needed. Richard was clear, Dan and Joe, not.

    The JNF being discussed here is the KKL (JNF-Israel), not the JNF in America. Two different organizations - their relationship not much different than the relationship between JFNA and the JAFI.

  7. Paul I have known you for almost 40 years and I must admit I don't understand your comparison of JFNA to JAFI vs JNF - US to JNF - Israel. All these years I thought that JNF US raised funds solely to support the needs of JNF Israel. What exactly does JFNA raise money for - not collect money - but actually raise money for JAFI? Wouldn't a better analogy to JNF have been Hadassah - US to Hadassah Israel?

  8. Paul, sorry, I should have stated - yes, JNF in Israel - The infamous Keren Kayemet.

    And, to be honest, most Israelis don;t even understand the difference between Keren HAyesod, Keren Kayemet, JAFI, JFNA and the WZO - whether in Israel or abroad.

    And yes, Bibi will do whatever he can to make sure that the KKL in Israel is never examined. He has repeatedly made sure that prices are lower in Judea and Samaria and higher EVERYWHERE ELSE in Israel, by manipulating the ILA and KKL.
    It may sound like a rant, but believe me, this is a real issue for people living in Israel.


  9. Just to clarify: Unlike Hadassah or American Friends of Hebrew University, the JNF of the US does not give most of its money to KKL (JNF Israel).

    It distributes to many organizations and only about 1/3 to KKL (JNF Israel).

    See the 990 at www.Guidestar.org

  10. Thanks to each and all of you for the clarifications and corrections.
    At the end of the day, the chaos is all that remains.
