Sunday, April 20, 2014


When we first published the fable of TribeFest 3's "success," we failed to focus on what a Commentator picked up on quickly -- that the "heroic" Lobos for Israel" who attended the Fest were college students. Then another Comment offered insights:
"JFNA needs to clearly articulate who TribeFest is for -- a 22-30 or older crowd. Once determined, who can best deliver the program. If for a younger cohort, then why not partner with Moishe House or Birthright...and if for older crowd then JFNA's YL efforts may work."
These Comments reminded me that the first failed Fest was focused on attracting unaffiliated young adults -- those out of college; failed Fest 2 expanded the focus to affiliated young adults -- again, those out of college; and Fest 3...anybody who would take a subsidy and come. 

Once again, JFNA offered an event driven by numbers -- didn't achieve them, but TribeFest 3 was all about numbers. Adults -- bring 'em; Cabinet members -- y'all come; college kids -- welcome. Purpose of TribeFest 3 -- who knows? One thing we know, TribeFest, like a JFNA National "Soul" Mission, has been about nothing, like, as well, the Seinfeld Show.


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