Wednesday, August 28, 2013


If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And, contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

So, in this month of Elul, in this time of reflection and introspection, we return to the evermore bizarro-world of the JFNA Global Planning Table, perfectly characterized by Lewis Carroll in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The more the GPT goes on the deeper down the hole goes JFNA. Oh, if only the leaders of JFNA were capable of some introspection and reflection.

From the beginning, over three years ago, JFNA's leaders have been getting the same message from the federations -- this thing has no traction; it flies in the face of historic values and the core concept of collective responsibility; "we're not interested." But, JFNA? It listens (maybe) but it does not hear. Of course not.

Remember, that before the organization of the GPT as a separate governance body, the GPT consultant and CEO Jerry went on a "regional tour" where there was virtual unanimity in opposition to the GPT Draft Plan; even the then JFNA Executive Committee, so quiescent as to be unheard, registered its strong objections. Changes were promised but the end product was virtually identical to that which had been literally rejected across the Continent. JFNA's leaders' attitude could be summed up in that historic rejection "let them eat cake" and they went forward as if they had the support they would ultimately garner from a polity apparently exhausted by their earlier objections.

And, as recently as meetings with Federation city-size groups in June and August, federation lay and professional leaders articulated a clear and unequivocal message -- let's stop this thing. Let's move on. And, what do JFNA's lay and professional leaders hear? "This GPT is great; if we just 'tweak' it it will be embraced." Or, they roll out the threat that if the GPT is not implemented as its leaders have literally dictated, like Humpty Dumpty, down will go JFNA. Let's get real here, friends -- it is far more likely that the implementation of the Global Planning Table would do more to deconstruct JFNA and the collective system that the federations have created, built and of which we have been so proud, will be deconstructed right with it than the opposite.

Don't be shocked. Some have heard Ms. Manning, now the self-appointed Chair of the decision-making body of the Global Planning Table (hmmmm, how did that happen??), threaten dire consequences if anyone interferes with "her" GPT. Well, hasn't that been the threat from day one of this thing?

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And, contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Uh, huh.


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