Friday, June 28, 2013


Paul Kane, the Senior Adviser to the CEO/President of JFNA, retires today. Having known Paul since Breishit here in Chicago (where he learned and practiced the skills that he was unable to use these past years at JFNA) when we were both young leaders -- Paul as a pro working with the beloved and revered Joel Shinsky, z'l,  and I a juvenile lay person -- this is a day worthy of marking. 

And, while Paul retires today, I have no doubt that he will be consulting with whomever is hired to head "Philanthropic Resources" for our national organization in the future, and that he will be working on his "baby," JFNA's Fundraising University and the Million Dollar Roundtable for some time to come. My criticism of Paul on these pages arises out of my knowledge, my absolute certainty that, had he been given the chance, there was so much more that Paul could have done.

Paul has always been the epitome of the "team player;" and, in playing that role, he has supported two of our greatest communities' annual campaigns, helping, leading them to incredible achievement. As he demonstrated so vividly in his "retirement speech" at the June JFNA Board meeting, Paul knows what JFNA must do to actually achieve success -- had he been listened to these last few years, JFNA would be in a different place, a pace of success and leadership. 

So, Paul, enjoy your retirement, even though it will be far more than just a slow fade from view. Take a breath and think of the lives your leadership has made better, the lives your leadership has literally saved and kvell for a little while...before you get back to work.


1 comment:

  1. You are right, Paul's body of work fills in the void he let happen at JFNA.
