Tuesday, January 22, 2013


In New York City  (or somewhere in New Jersey), toward the end of a 2012 football season that can be charitably described as a debacle, fans of the New York Jets were heard to announce, behind masks and with bags over their heads,, that these were once again and apparently forever, the "same old Jets." For, after all, what can one say about a season in which the "Highlight" was what has come to be known as the "butt fumble?"

And then came JFNA's professional leader announcing what was 2012's JFNA "Highlights" -- the shutdown of TribeFest. Yes, TribeFest, the "butt fumble" of Jewish organizational life. JFNA finally (maybe) shut down programs that were ridiculous from the start -- these shut downs (add #ish and Community Heroes to a long sad list) were the equivalent of someone hitting you over the head for the past three years, then stopping and expecting thanks.

As we have noted on these pages, JFNA's administration over the past six, and especially the last 3, years has been a true opera bouffe. Hysterical...but not in a funny way.

Back to those Jets: it used to be that the fans would chant "JETS. JETS. JETS;" now the chant has become "MESS, MESS, MESS." And so it has become at 25 Broadway. If the new Co-Chairs don't act it will continue to be "MESS, MESS, MESS."



  1. How can I teach my Jerry to share?

    My Jerry seems so selfish. He can't stand to let other kids play with his things. How can I teach him to share?

    When your Jerry refuses to share his favorite responsibility (or even his least favorite responsibility, or truck), he isn't really being selfish — he's just acting his age or his lack of personal development. Sharing is a skill he'll develop over several years or should have. In the meantime, struggles over toys will be common. It's no fun to watch your Jerry grab a toy and shout "Mine!" But if he's playing with others, he won't be the only one doing it.

    That said, kids learn by imitating what they see, so take every opportunity to show your Jerry how to share. Offer him a bite of your meal or a chance to assist in the fun of decorating a cake. As you do, use the word "share" to describe your behavior. ("I'm eating a really good sandwich, and I'd love to share it with you. Would you like some?") When your Jerry attempts to share, praise his efforts. Little by little, he'll drink in the positive reinforcement and feel good about repeating those actions that seem to make you so happy. Before long, he'll start sharing because it comes naturally.

    Toddlers like Jerry do lots of "proto-sharing" — showing an object to other people and allowing them to manipulate it without quite letting go. Though it doesn't look like it, it's a big step toward sharing, so reinforce it. "How nice of you to show Michael your telephone," you might say. Later, when he's started playing with something else, you could suggest he pass the phone to his Dede, and praise him for doing so. Whether Dede wants the toy at this point is not as important as practicing the act of sharing and being rewarded for it.

    One way to avoid tantrums over sharing is to let your Jerry hide a few of his most precious playthings before his friends come over. Tell him these toys are ones he doesn't have to share, then put them away. Make sure your Jerry is aware that what's left is for everyone, though. If he says he doesn't want to hide a favorite toy but you know he'll have trouble sharing it, you might want to buy a duplicate if it isn't an expensive item.

    If toys just seem to incite too many quarrels and tugs-of-war, you may want to steer clear of them altogether and engage your Jerry and his playmates in a project such as the GPT, making pretend cookies with modeling clay or drawing pictures. That way, they can be involved in the same fun activities without having to share possessions.

    You should never punish Jerry, especially one this age, for not sharing. You can let him know you're disappointed and sad when he doesn't share, but that's it. Don't make a big deal out of it. Some of these struggles should be ignored — you don't want sharing to become a Jerry-Chair battleground. Let him work this out with other children. When he doesn't share, his friends will let him know in no uncertain terms how unhappy they are, and he'll learn that sometimes it takes hard work to be a good friend!

  2. Hold the press - JFNA has announced a call-in analysis tomorrow (Wednesday) of today's Israel elections. That's right, JFNA is now turning pundit on what the Israeli election results mean.

    Give me a break.

    Talk about having absolutely no idea what their mission is.

    Large city CEO's take note - JFNA is failing fast and it's on your heads!!

  3. The real question is "Who is going down with the ship? Large City execs? I don't think so. Jerry? I don't think so. JFNA Board members?I don't think so? They are probably all in the life boats or have life jackets. The ones going down with the ship are the smaller federations many of which do not have the resources, the life preservers or the life boats to save themselves or to provide the things that JFNA should have been providing.

  4. Last anonymous as 100% correct as ALL those mentioned are interested only in themselves. As to CEO Jerry, he long ago stopped speaking of how to make JFNA great again. Now all he cares about is his outrageously high paycheck.

  5. Shutdown of Tribefest? You sure? http://www.jewishfederations.org/page.aspx?id=260485

  6. What you really don't know is the brain child behind these idiotic and expensive programs such as the #ish, Community Heroes, Tribefest, New Move and so much more... is Adam Smolyar who jumped ship when he ran out of harebrain ideas.He is an overpaid bully (check the most recent 990)who is just plain arrogant(Sounds like someone named Jerry doesn't it?)Jerry allowed him to pull off all these very expensive ideas with no results.What value has he brought to JFNA? How much did JFNA have to shell out to implement this project and what return did the federation really see?Show us the money!Good riddance to Adam Smolyar!The next overpaid arrogant bully to leave should be Debbie Smith.

  7. Over 600 federation leaders called in for the Israel election analysis call - which was the third of three calls on the elections. Seems like JFNA is providing a service that is appreciated and needed.

  8. I was on that call -- it was so lacking in substance, I learned more from reading the Israeli press. So if, in fact, 600 federation leaders tuned in, you now have 600 federation leaders wondering what JFNA's purpose is.

  9. According to JFNA, 600 called in. 600?!?!?

    Let's not forget this is the organization that has a long, documented history, of misrepresenting GA attendance.
