Thursday, October 4, 2012


The catalyst for this Post was a question raised in one of those Anonymous Comments.

Who is this person who extracts the second highest compensation at JFNA, yet isn't employed there? What does she do there? How does she come by the "svengali-like" influence she appears to have over CEO Jerry and others? Do you even know who she is? Well, the Shadow knows...

"____________ is a consulting partner and senior executive advisor for Human Resource Development to JFNA. She provides vision, leadership and expertise to the Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence, and consulting support to the professional and volunteer leadership of both the national organization and Federations. She coaches and advises executives and volunteer leaders, develops and leads workshops, and provides consulting advice on executive transitions, searches, and a wide range of human resource issues.

__________ has extensive corporate experience starting at Xerox Corporation, and serving as the senior human resources executive and member of the management committee for several Fortune 500 companies including Bausch & Lomb and Merck & Co. She holds a B.A. degree with Highest Distinction from the University of Rochester, and a Masters Degree from Cornell University where she completed all studies toward her Ph.D. At Cornell, _________ was chair of CAHRS, the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies and the Chair of the President's Council of Cornell Women, and served on advisory boards for the School of Industrial and Labor Relations and The Johnson Graduate School of Business. She has also served as a member of the Board of Chase Lincoln Bank and the Talent Technology Corporation, and on the board of directors or advisory board of colleges, cultural institutions, and professional and governmental organizations. She has been a requested speaker on human resources issues and management trends, and lectured at colleges and universities."

Yes, it is an incredible and impressive resume. But, in the context of JFNA, what exactly is "a consulting partner and senior executive advisor for Human Resource Development?" She sits on the Senior Management Team...but all of the other members of Senior Management are employee/professionals. Why isn't she as well? Does she consult for others, earning compensation for those consulting roles?

She is listed on the 2011 JFNA IRS Form 990 (the most recent attachment to the JFNA website -- you know the one that listed Jerry's compensation at $609,000) as an "independent contractor" but her compensation for 2010 is listed as having been $306,000 -- more than any person on JFNA's current payroll other than CEO Jerry.  Is she employed full-time at JFNA? At a compensation level that by this year no doubt exceeds $400,000, is her independent contractor relationship at JFNA exclusive? What are the terms of her contract? WHAT HAS SHE DONE? WHAT DOES SHE DO AT AND FOR JFNA?

Some more questions: for $400,000 (+/-) does Ms. _______ work for JFNA full-time, half-time, one-third time? What are the parameters of her "consultancy?" Is she required to be at 25 Broadway on any scheduled basis? Or is she like a lay person who "drops in" when "needed?"

We remember when she was retained -- it was immediately after CEO Jerry's predecessor had forced out/constructively terminated one outstanding woman professional after another. Perhaps she offered some appropriate advice and counsel at that time? The HR Department at JFNA is and has been professionally run and directed for years...why is a "consultant" needed as "senior executive advisor for Human Resource Development?" I'm not suggesting that _______________ isn't an outstanding professional in her field; I am questioning what she does and how she does it at JFNA. Yes, she's on JFNA's Senior Management Team; but who manages her?

Could the $400,000(+/-) or $306,000 ______________ is paid be otherwise used for $400,000 or $306,000 (+/-) in programs that would benefit the federations? Example, recently, JFNA contemplated creating a full-time professional position to assist federations in annual campaign management and development. A worthy cause for sure. It had a great candidate, one who had demonstrated over a lengthy period the ability to successfully manage and run annual campaigns. At the end of the day, JFNA's professionals determined that it did not have "the budget" to fund such a position. 

No further questions are necessary. The Shadow knows...



  1. Since she has been the lead consultant to the Mandel Center we have seen a significant drop in engagement of current (and successful) federation execs and assistant execs in Federation executive search processes.

  2. The "2010 IRS 990" is for the tax year 2010-2011 (ending June 30, 2011). The is the most current one listed for JFNA on

    I think your statement, therefore, about their 990 filing, is not accurate and is misleading.

  3. Think back to the 'good ole days' when the CJF did a great job in recruitment, training, and placement of Fed pros....

  4. Hey, perhaps you knew that somehow this person ran interference for Manning in the "search" that yielded up CEO Silverman. Could that be the reason she is still there?


    Deborah K. Smith

    Dear Shadow, is she still on the payroll is a great question.

    A better question is why have members of the JFNA Executive Committee never heard her name before today??

  6. Excellent questions, and, well, the Shadow doesn't know the answer to your first question -- she may or may not still be on the payroll. As to the second, only Silverman and Manning know the answer -- and they are not telling.

  7. Why haven't people on the Executive Committee not heard her name before today? For anyone who regularly reads this blog it is pretty evident. People on the executive committee don't do their job which usually includes reviewing the audit and other fiduciary responsibilities that go along with serving on an executive committee.

  8. As a sitting Federation CEO, I have had nothing but disappointing interactions with Deborah. She is a "tried and true" HR person. I have listened to multiple PPT presentations by her about how to lead, do staff development, etc. and they are so "cookie cutter" that she seems to just change the name of the organization on each slide. There is nothing really new, different, or focused about Federation in specifics (except perhaps the one or two slides and case scenarios (that are so basic) on lay-pro relations).

    I recall a conversation with her when I was interested in a possible move as a CEO of a larger community. Her message to me..."since you have been in the Federation world so long, perhaps you are interested in going to work for a for-profit for new experiences." I was flabbergasted and angry -- at that point I had been in the Federation world for 20+ years and this was the message?

    The mode at the Mandel Center seems to be "let's do community searches and look for candidates OUTSIDE the Federation field." This is also a Jerry stance -- I do believe he thinks that you can just "drop" people in to Federation roles from outside and they will be successful -- I would like him to name at least two in CEO roles.

    The placement job done by the Mandel Center has been erratic at best. And her "expertise from being outside the system" has not helped. If anything, I believe we have a greater dearth in having qualified candidates for new positions.

  9. No doubt she was initially brought in, at least in part, to strategize, executive and manage the series of staff purges that left many dozens of UJC (a"h) employees out of work.

  10. without a doubt she alienates sitting federation professionals in search processes and in consultation. I think, and have been told, that the same attitude is permeating through the "talent acquisition" staff in the Mandel Center.

  11. Which movie are we in: Night of the living dead? Planet of the Apes? Invasion of the body snatchers? The Dybbuk?

    Is there a question on job applications that reads: are you now or have you ever been a federation professional?

    First they attack contrarian ideas and voices, then they purge the ranks of the professionals, then they downgrade our traditional overseas partners and
    then they come for the dissident lay people. And when they go looking for donors there will be no one there.

  12. Of course, all of the above raise the question: why is she still on the payroll we federations fund? Does anyone know?

  13. As a federation CFO/HR director looking to do some training for our staff, I was told specifically by our CEO -- "thats great, please don't bring DS in"

  14. Gotta be careful with initials. There are two DS in the Mandel Center: Debbie Smith and Deborah Stein. This blog chain seems to be focused on Debbie Smith. Deborah Stein is a longterm employee of our nationa system (e.g. CJF, UJC, and now JFNA). She is a former federation exec. She is a wonderful resource in the Mandel Department; she previously worked in the Consulting Department and in Regional Services.

  15. Richard,

    You asked a very important question regarding Debbie Smith--Does she work full-time, part-time or drops in when needed? Debbie Smith only flies in from her home in Florida (at JFNA expense) when she thinks she should show her face to benefit herself at high level meetings, all staff meetings (what a joke because she snubs most of the staff and is phony with the rest.)I even heard she flew in especially to staff the International Lion of Judah conference (so she can smooze!)

    Just as a side note, the mentality in the Mandel Center is being enforced by Debbie Smith and everyone fears her wrath in this department. Only she can be right even when she is wrong. This is the mentality she is spreading at JFNA. I am so happy I have moved on to find a better organization to work for.

    There should be an audit of what she is really costing JFNA (federation dollars)other than her reported 990 compensation. From what I hear... she has JFNA pay for everything under the sun.

  16. And, what's her connection to the Florida-based so-called pyschological profiling firm she is requiring the Mandel Center staff to push on Federations as part of their executive searches? How much of those testing fees, by the way, are kept by JFNA, does Debbie get a commission ...
    Also, what is her war on gray hair about? Is she an ageist or perhaps she has a stake in some hair coloring products?
