Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Here's a good one. JFNA has scheduled a Board meeting for the (apparently) sole purpose of passing a Resolution that would extend the JFNA/JAFI/JDC Agreement of 2010. This extension, after multiple Preamble clauses, is needed so that JFNA has time to finalize its Global Planning Table Recommendations.

At least three things were left out of the Resolution:
  1. So typical of this leadership, the Resolution is framed as if it were necessary "...to provide greater certainty to JAFI and JDC for their programmatic planning" when, in fact, the totality of the GPT has been designed to deconstruct the historic core allocations to both historic partners. 
  2. One party to an Agreement cannot unilaterally amend or extend it. JFNA just cannot go it alone -- it just thinks that it can. This unilateral action is very much like another aspect of the Agreement -- there was to be agreement among the three parties to joint marketing and joint FRD with and within the federations. No agreement was ever reached --  JFNA after failing to impose its "solution" just unilaterally promulgated an announcement that there was such an agreement. You see, that's how this "works." 
  3. Immediately after the Agreement was signed, JFNA breached it -- in multiple ways. These breaches were pointed out to JFNA in multiple ways -- most directly in correspondence from the other parties. "Never mind," they were told. And, as evidenced by this preposterous Resolution, JFNA just pretends that all is well, all is in order, all is fine. Sure, all is well.
As I wrote above, here's a good one alright.


1 comment:

  1. Sadly, this is this organization's course of conduct. My federation was promised assistance one would expect of the communities' national organization and we received nothing of value
