Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Thanks to ejewishphilanthropy for doing JFNA's work for it.

It's all so pathetic. Hiding beneath the banner of the American organization, United Israel Appeal, calling itself, Keren Ha'Yesod-UIA, the leaders of the Jewish communities other than America,  Keren Ha'Yesod, organized what they characterized as an international conference in the Silicon Valley and held it May 13-15. As Dan Brown pointed out in his Heard Around Jerusalem piece, "[W]ith a core donor base that is both drying up and dying out," KH, as it is known, invaded America. This wouldn't have happened if we had a national organization worthy of any respect.

While JFNA was distracted by shiny little objects, its supposed overseas parallel organization invaded our constituency without either a word from JFNA or any protest from that august body. The only thing that could possibly be worse would be if JFNA knew of this Conference, winked or actually approved it. Oh, yes, one thing could be worse -- if JFNA participated in it.

Incredibly, KH, whose membership embodies Jewish communities around the World other than in the United States, includes as its premier member, the Canadian Jewish communities, which are also members of JFNA. 

Before my time, there was an international Committee on Control -- an organization governed by the small number of major Jewish fund raising organizations around the world. It acted to assure that invasions like this one would not, could not, occur. And, then, it was gone.

JFNA formed Blue Knot within its then FRD function to bring together at major events (e.g., the GA, when that was a major event, etc.) those leaders who were the focus of the KH effort. And, then, even though successful, it was gone.

It is evident that all around us communal discipline has broken down. JFNA is broken, creating a void in which an even more desperate Keren Ha'Yesod now steps. And, at JFNA, they just kvell about the Board Chair being honored by Hillel. Yeah, we've got our priorities straight. Sure we do.



  1. On the other hand this conference seemed like a combination of the old annual national UJA conferences and the GA - both wonderful support programs for hte FEDS. Maybe the UIA should take over the JFNA... :-)

  2. Richard, i read your blog frequently. Did u know JAFNA is offering this?

    Integrated Community Campaign to Grow Federations’ Donor Bases

    but they want to charge Federations which are already paying dues. I mean, they want to charge a percentage of the money that is raised with their help.....
    what do you think of this?

    Dj Tiesto

  3. This conference looks like a great mix of the old and sorely missed national UJA conferences and the GA. Maybe they should take over the JFNA? :-)

  4. Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal is the official name of Keren Hayesod. It is not connected to the American UIA. The website is

  5. The question is, "what did Jerry know and when did he know it?"

  6. The question is, "what did Jerry know and when did he know it?"
