Friday, January 6, 2012


The question raised by the title to this Post relates to what appears to be a repetition of a disease that seems to afflict those in power in the corporate offices of JFNA, whether at 111 8th Avenue or, now, 25 Broadway, over the past six years. Comments sent anonymously to the Blog and phone calls demanding confidentiality have revealed that it appears that once again...
  • Those professionals not in favor are being subjected to the kind of tactics that would be impermissible in a private business let alone a public charity, let alone a Jewish workplace;
  • At the highest level of the organization, lay persons and professionals who are out of favor with the "powers that be" are subjected to scathing private ridicule behind closed doors, smiles outside of it;
  • Professionals who are out of favor are "frozen out" by the JFNA professional leadership. Worse, in some instances, JFNA has taken steps to undermine communal confidence in certain professional leaders around the country, no matter the City-size, while sometimes publicly embracing them.
Those who behave in this manner should, of course, be ashamed of themselves. Worse, they clearly fail to understand that in undermining "A" they threaten "B" through "Z." But, then again, maybe...maybe...they just don't care. After all, absolute power corrupts absolutely.



  1. "At the highest level of the organization, lay persons and professionals who are out of favor with the "powers that be" are subjected to scathing private ridicule behind closed doors, smiles outside of it..."

    Not just lay and professionals ... senior professionals now use the exact same tactic in public settings when encountering anyone who does not bless the ground JFNA travels on.

  2. Where raw ego and the pursuit of power replace purpose, insecurity and paranoia reign, constructive criticism is considered disloyalty and the most threatened and insecure imitate the tactics of the higher up bullies in the fruitless hope that their survival will be prolonged. Along the way all are compromised and internal correctives become an impossibility.

  3. You should know that there are professionals at JFNA who work tirelessly in the pursuit of our highest goals and aspirations, alonside many fine lay leaders, despite the lack of support from within - and from you all on the outside. Keep attacking and they will just dig in their heels deeper, oppressing those of us who are there for the sanctity of the cause. If you really want to help, get involved in a constructive way. Stop saying that they won't let you in, and just barge your way in, if you really care at all. There are enough good people worth this kind of time and effort.

    Or just don't really care at all.
